Law of Attraction Coach Explains How-To Tips on Managing Your Emotions

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Nanette Geiger, Law of Attraction Expert , writes… …

This is an medium to advanced article on the Law of Attraction. It is very important to realize the place your emotions have in the entire process. Let us take the example of a garden hose. If the water is turned on water is flowing through the end. When there’s an obstruction or a knot somewhere on the hose, the water flow is impeded or pinched off, so you have a resisted stream. A Law of Attraction Coach can help you today to free yourself from outdated limiting thought patterns that inhibit your happiness.

How can you tell if that which you’re attracting or intending is coming to you? By your inner state of flow. You have made an intent or sent a desire to the Universe, and if you don’t repel your desire, it is on its way to you. If you are thinking about what is taking so much time, turn your focus inward to your energy and see if you have resistance to having what you want. Using the Law of Attraction is an incredibly powerful tool for Relationship Attraction, and it’s simple to understand.

“Resistance? I know I desire to get the money to go to the college of my choice,” or “I know I want to acquire that wonderful job.” Well that’s well and nice, but if it’s been months to years since you first concocted what you want, be assured that you’ve got at least some resisting energy severing off your flow.

In order to increase your understanding of the word ‘resistance,’ it is oftentimes helpful to look at the meaning of the word’s antonym. A few opposite definitions of the word resistance are: harmony, accord, agreement, cooperation, flow. These are the qualities you want to transmit when you’re pondering that which you want. You can create your own Law of Attraction Love today to help increase your positive vibration!

Remember the Universe matches and mirrors back to you whatever energy you are transmitting. And it is not simply on the area of your desire. What is the general balance of your emotional state over the course of a day? Do you feel frequently angry, aggrovated, impatient, grouchy, bored, or intolerant? Are you stressed and rushed? These states of feeling are hanging around your energy field. The Universe is seeing and mirroring back to you reasons to feel more of what you are already feeling.

Get the clean-up committee on the job by practicing a more positive attitude. Find more reasons to love and cherish. Look around and give thanks for every wonderful and beautiful thing that is all around you. Appreciation is one of the fastest vibration raisers. Now you are back in the unresisted attraction mode. Change your vibration by realizing what you are sending out and consciously choose to transmit at a higher vibration. The Universe will match that and you’ll have an increasingly enjoyable life experience.