8 Ways To Become The Good You Would Like To See In The World

For many people, concentrating on the negatives in their life can feel much simpler than trying to find the positives. We try to outdo each other with our tales of woe and traumatic childhoods. We choose to forget the happy memories, in favour of the moments and experiences that hurt us most.

Our hardships and suffering are put on like a badge of honour. If feels like the harder we struggle, the more we feel we deserve. This way of thinking is all wrong.

Whilst not everyone chooses to sustain an attitude of negativity, those who do are damaging their chances for a fulfilled and happy life. It is as the Law of Attraction teaches (see – law of attraction weight loss ) – our lives are what we make them. Our lives are undoubtedly an expression of our thoughts, emotions, words and energies. It is because of this that we must refuse to dwell in negativity, to avoid this becoming our reality.

Our lives are what we make of them, every single day.

Become the best possible you for a better life, starting with these 8 suggestions:

1.Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! We teach others how to treat us, through our own treatment of others and ourselves.

2.Be truthful. Don’t just speak the truth, be your own truth. Live your life authentically – there’s nobody else quite like you.

3.Remember the little things. Smile, hold doors open, say ‘thank you’. Sometimes the tiniest deeds and words can leave the greatest impact.

4.Accept others with an open mind. Accept people for who they are. When we judge other people, in fact, we’re only judging the faults and insecurities that we see in ourselves.

5.Forgive. Forgiveness, of yourself and others, provides the ultimate path to true happiness.

6.Practice self-love. Looking after yourself is the kindest thing you’re able to do for others. To experience the very best love in life, you should first be able to love yourself.

7.Say ‘thank-you’. An attitude of gratitude may change your life. When you look for things to be thankful for, you begin to find increasingly more reasons to be positive (see – law of attraction money affirmations ).

8.Use failure. Be unafraid of it, learn from it, and use it as the springboard to your success. Teach others to do the same.

Our lives begin and end with us; how we behave, how we think, our attitude – these are the elements that continually create and change the path our lives take.

For more information on the Law of Attraction and what it can do for your happiness, see – The LOA blog .