Law Of Attraction Coach: Your Mind Really Does Create Reality

Law of Attraction Coach

Nanette Geiger, Law of Attraction Relationship Coach , writes… …

By now you’ve heard that Quantum Mechanics is telling us that everything is vibration. Did you know that Einstein said: energy is everything? It’s now known that everything we view, everything that isn’t seen] is energy. Any object that has been manifested into physical reality was once a thought. This thought created, invented, or produced a thing.

Quantum Physicists have found that the observer has a direct relationship and impact of the outcome of what he or she is seeing. It’s named the Observer Effect.

Human thoughts have the ability to change outcomes; it’s that simple. It has been proven over and over in the laboratory. All energy vibrates at varying rates. The lowest frequency and densest of energies appear to be solid and unmoving. But, quantum physics has found that due to the nature and structure of atoms, all objects on the subatomic level are humming with so much space between the molecules that following the account for all of the particles there is more void than there is particles. Even though we see real boundaries between this and that, we’re all connected in the realm of energy – at the level of mind.

Your ideas change your surroundings, and create. They are manifesting reality at all times. The question that remains is: what are you creating? I use the word CREATE in the sense that any thought you have is creative “this creative thought has been placed on the continuum of being manifested. Based on the focus of your thoughts. So we know from discoveries in new physics that everything is energy and your thoughts create.

The Law of Attraction says like attracts like. What you place your attention on will manifest more in your experience. The Universe, Universal Intelligence, Divine Mind, God, Source, whatever your label for the power that retains the planets’ perfect synchronization, that grows an oak tree from an acorn and a functioning human from 2 fertilized cells, That Power absolutely loves YOU. That power sees you. You are fundamentally linked with your Source. And everyone was born into this physical reality with Free Will. Because your Source/God/the Universe knows you and adores you, and because you have FREE WILL, it would never not adhere to what you choose to with your life or how to live. Further, it has no judgments at all concerning what you’re putting your attention on or what your desires are. Instead, it faithfully aligns with what you are vibrationally projecting. If you need the help of a Law of Attraction Coach, by all means get support! Having an independent listener to talk to can help you move off outdated patterns much more quickly.

The Universe says, “Oh, Michelle must desire more things to be aggravated about. Perfect!” The Universe then starts matching and mirroring back to you what you’re transmitting. So that is the idea, in a nutshell; how your thoughts create and attract more of what you are thinking. Knowing that, don’t you think it would be a great idea to clean up your thoughts? It is worth trying. Try it. I know you’ll see amazing results.