The Secrets To Staying In The Present Moment – Uncovered

Leading Law of Attraction experts (see – law of attraction love relationships ) will always tell you that the key to a happy life lies in learning how to be in the present moment.

Having said that, for a lot of people this is completely opposite to what they’ve been taught. For a lot of people, happiness awaits them in that dream home or that ‘one day’ when they’ll have landed the perfect job. But is all of this dreaming and planning ahead really benefiting our happiness right now?

Whilst having dreams and ambitions is an important part of being happy, too much thinking ahead can actually be detrimental to your lifelong happiness.

When we spend too much time fretting about the future, it can become all too easy to lose sight of what we have in the present.

Let this 6 top tips show you how easy it is to live in the present and live life for today:

1.Practice An Attitude of Gratitude. An exercise of daily gratitude has been long hailed as the perfect anecdote to unhappiness! Oprah Winfrey herself has spoken about how every single day she writes a gratitude list – with great positive effect. Rather than feel a victim of the past or concern yourself with the future, begin to practice feeling gratitude for what you have today.

2.Take Responsibility. Happiness is only possible when we learn to take full responsibility for our lives and our role as creator in them. As the Law of Attraction teaches, our lives are what we make them (see – orclick here to see the best law of attraction books ). So start focusing on the today and making it the best that it can be.

3.Accept Things For What They Are. Choosing most difficult for people to live in the present moment, that are used to trying to control what they cannot. No one knows what life may throw at them – so, it’s your job to concentrate on making the most of whatever you already have, today.

4.Be Mentally and Physically Present. If you’re enjoying a jog, don’t think about work. Should you be having dinner with your spouse, don’t fret about the drive you will be making to see the in-laws tomorrow. Basically, whatever you’re doing either physically or mentally – give it 100% of your attention.

5.Surround Yourself With Positivity. It is said that we’re who we surround ourselves with; so, surely you want to surround yourself with as much positivity as possible? Surround yourself with like-minded, positive people for greater happiness.

6.Love! There is no better way of enjoying the present moment, than becoming a beacon of love. When you are feeling love for yourself, your children, your spouse or showing your love in service of others – you are fully immersed in the joy of the present moment.

So love often and freely – love each moment, love yourself and love others – it’ll prove the real key to limitless happiness.

For more Law of Attraction tips and hints, see – the secret law of attraction book .