Creating Abundance Using Transpersonal Strategies

Transpersonal strategies is just another of saying strategies using  the spiritual laws and principles of the Universe. Transpersonal originates from the field of psychology of the same name. Still wondering what it all means and how it fits into creating abundance? Transpersonal means beyond the physical, our five senses. So, transpersonal is activity in the realms beyond the physical such as the thoughts you think or meditation.

Is it all beginning to sound confusing? What I’m really addressing are the laws and principles that exist in our 3 dimensional world and that influence us whether we are aware of them or not. A quick illustration is the law of gravity. Unless you’ve evolved into a being who can levitate, when you jump off of a 10 story building you will drop like a lead balloon and kill yourself.

The most commonly understood of these laws today is the Law of Attraction. This law means that what you put your attention on is what you are going to attract. If you put your attention on or have a fear of or a love of something that something will be magnetized into your world. That’s why there is value in putting your attention on what you want and not what you don’t want.

As an example let me tell you the story of how I found the house I now live in and let me add that it is a very special house. When I was ready to purchase a house, I hired a realtor. Makes sense, right? The realtor was showing me houses that were not even close to what I wanted to purchase. I wasn’t looking for a fixer up but that’s the type of houses she taking me to.

Then I did two things. First I wrote a list of all of the qualities I wanted in my house. Then, I wrote an ad describing the house according to those qualities. I put this ad in the newspaper under the heading, House Wanted. Yes, I actually paid to run this ad. It was my way of communicating with  the Universe.

The following weekend a friend suggested we go looking at Open Houses. I thought that was a super idea and quickly agreed. The very first house we looked at was the house I eventually purchased and the one I’m sitting in as I write.

As I walked into this house, a voice inside my head said, This is the one! Of course on that weekend, I thought, I can’t purchase the first house I see even though I like it. So we continued looking but I already knew which house was for me.

A piece of me had so many reasons why it wasn’t the right house. It was too close to a noisy street. The house next door had all of these vehicles parked in front. The master bathroom was too tiny.

There were more reasons, but really it was a fear of making a mistake that made me think of all of these negative thoughts. Then another friend said, “If you buy the house and you don’t like it you can always sell it. That was 15 years ago.

When I was ready to purchase a house I was completely clear on what I desired my house to look like. Yes, the master bathroom is a little small. It has no bathtub;  so, I use the main bathroom when I want to take a bath. But it has the main qualities that were important to me at that time. There was one thing missing from my list and that was a mesquite tree in the front yard. Instead there are two ornamental orange trees and they give off the most heavenly scent when they bloom every spring!