Personal Trainers Leverage Their Time For More Freedom

All business owners must struggle with time management. A fitness professional’s business also deals with the clients’ schedules. Many of us may have different approaches to scheduling time, but only a few really know an efficient way to tackle time management.

Often people are used to organizing work around a list. Some are obliged to do it. We know that at 8:15 a.m. we have a meeting, followed by clients at intervals from 8:30 until noon; an hour for lunch, then afternoon activities broken down until 5 pm.. At home, there are usually chores associated with dinner, getting kids ready for bed, etc.

That’s a schedule. Yet it does not prove to be an efficient way to manage your time.

The power of leverage is all about balance. It’s important to have a healthy balance of your time.

You cannot make improvements in your own balance if you have no idea where your life is on the scale. Discern which stage you are currently in.

Keep a journal for a few days to a week. After the time period, determine the amount of time spent with your family.

  • Did you spend time doing a hobby or something else you really enjoyed?

  • Are you reading to expand your mind, imagination, or knowledge?

  • How much exercise did you get?

  • Within that particular time, did you have a good read?

  • If yes, were you in it for work or just for the fun of it?

  • To reach a specific personal goal, how much time was alloted for it?

If you are a traditional follower of a “to do” list, you will probably find several areas lacking when evaluating your trial period. Do the math on where you spent your time and on what. How many hours were for work, family, hobby, reading, exercise? Make yourself a little chart showing the percentage of each area of life and how much time you spent on it. How much time did you allot for career compared to family and other important aspects? This might be a real eye opener!

This little journaling project gives you a chance to look at how you live your life and then choose how to change. Dedicate time for each aspect of your life like personal goals and interests, work, family, etc.

When you leverage your time and deliberately choose how to spend it, you’re no longer a slave to the lists! The “to do” list is an important way to track chores, but life should be more than a chore.

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Proven fitness marketing strategies are key in having a thriving Personal Trainer Business.

Want more expert advice on growing your fitness business. Check out these health articles.