How These Banner Advertising Mistakes Can Ruin Your Campaign

Successful marketing on the Internet depends on how effective your promotional strategy is. If you fail to give yourself a solid grounding of the proper knowledge for a form of advertising, then you’ll only be inviting troubles. If you really want to get the maximum out your banner advertising campaign then you better build a strong foundation first. Not doing so will lead to mistakes that you could have easily avoided. The flip side of that coin is that if you learn it well, then your chances of making money will increase dramatically. So we’ll quickly move in and discuss three types of banner advertising mistakes we’ve seen way too many times. If you’re just researching Banner advertising and want to see how it may promote your business then a prime example is 5 Minute Membership Sites.

Sometimes newer banner advertisers can focus too much on the overall design because they think that’s the most important element in the ad. Sure, a nicely done banner will grab eyes more than others perhaps, but your copy and specifically the call to action you have will actually get the job done. Usually only a two or three word line does the trick; you’ve seen them before: “Click Here Now!” or even “More Info Here.” You should test, anyway, but conduct your own test and see what happens. You’ll have higher conversions when the banner graphic image closely matches your landing page as much as possible. Your conversions will decrease if there is a large difference between the two. Sometimes the smallest things can count and make a difference, so do be careful in this area. Banner advertising is in no way , a brand new form of marketing , but it’s still extremely effective and new launches like the 5 Minute Membership Sites launch will be utilizing it.

If your landing page is hosted with a cheap hosting company, then you’re all also asking for trouble and lost conversions. There is not a lot you can do about what happens with a hosting company, so that is why we always tell people to double check your hosting companies. Ther are online businesses that will keep on eye on your site in terms of downtime, etc. Most hosts are very good, and you will also have stats you can check that report on your uptime. If you feel that your web host is not giving you the service that it should, and your site is down frequently then just go for another one. So get in the habit of checking your weblogs for any abnormalities.

You can have the kind of results you want from banner advertising, but you have to learn how to approach it correctly and use what works with them. Also, before you actually invest any money into your banner ads have everything in place and are prepared for the traffic, right from your landing page to your payment processor. We are so confident that you want everything to run smoothly from the beginning to the end. Right?

You can check out the latest marketing product at the 5 Minute Membership Sites website and keep up to date.