Law Of Attraction Relationships: Find Out If You Are An Energetic Match To Your Desires

Law of Attraction Relationships

Nanette Geiger, Law of Attraction Relationship Specialist , writes… …

Let’s say you want something, like a delightful love life or monetary stability, for example, and you’ve been desiring it for quite a long time — 9 months, a few years, and it still has not come into your life — then there’s resistance preventing you from having what you desire. There’s something not quite right in the area of your energy level. If you take the time and focus enough about cleaning up your energy, you’ll attract and then let in what you want.

Here’s the problem: we don’t usuallly know what’s off with our vibration. These pesky vibrational differences have been around for enough time, we don’t even realize they are there. Similar to the quiet hum of a computer processor, it just fades into the back of our minds. I call these vibrational differences counter-intentions.

A counter-intention simply projects a very ingrained thought pattern that has been trained into us by previous generations. A counter-intention means a limiting belief or a mental dialogue based in the past of failing or lack of power. If you do not understand what your counter-intentions are, that’s alright. Just realize if what you want is not showing up, something is holding you back, and project a clear intention of the thing you want. You can manifest your own Law of Attraction Relationships today and increase your level of creative potential!

1. Find out the object of your desire.

2. Attune to the mental message you may have acquired about why you can’t have it.

3. When negative emotion surfaces about why you can’t have what you desire or why it’s taking so long to get it, soothe yourself into a better feeling thought.

Most of us imagine that you have to make a huge jump in your vibration prior to real attraction. Not so. You just have to feel a little bit more positive in a consistent manner. You should be watching so you may know when you are not a match to your wants. Thoughts do fly by fast, that’s why attuning to how you feel helps you catch what is happening in the area of your energy.

Do the practice – it will pay off. If you need the help of a Law of Attraction Coach, by all means go get it! Using an independent listener to check in with can help you move away from old patterns much faster.

Keep with it, before you know it people will be asking you “how did you marry the love of your dreams, get offered all-expenses paid cruises and make bestselling books?!” Using the Law of Attraction is hugely powerful for Relationships Attraction, and it’s not difficult to grasp.

That, my friend (if you want it) CAN be YOU! Here’s to Joy and Mastery!