What Qualifications Do Solar Panel Installers Need In Britain?

Future customers who require the aid of a solar energy panel installation company, one main certification is to look for a corporation that is registered with a Microgeneration Certificate Scheme (MCS).

Additionally , for clients to receive their Feed-In tariff compensation, their work must be undertaken by an MCS commissioned company.

There are other UK certification bodies that serve as solar cell regulators. Solar energy panel companies also understands that efficacious in April of 2012, home-owner properties must meet an EPC (Energy Performance Documentation) rating to claim the full Feed-In tariff benefits.

The Renewable Energy Guarantee Limited (REAL) is an association scheme which was created to unconditionally protect purchasers, under their Consumer Code and who is backed by the Office of Fair Trading. Solar panel installers are to become a REAL member, before they register to receive an MCS scheme.

Members of the National Inspection Council for Electric Installation Contracting (NICEIC) program administers and approve electric contractors who meet their Fair Trading standards. If a solar energy panel installer exhibits an NICEIC logo, it suggests that they're accepted by the Fair Trading office for abiding by quality and safe standards.

The Nation's Association of Professional Inspectors (NAPIT) represents replenish-able microgeneration electricians and solar panel companies. NAPIT has 15 years of representing execs in the electric and apparatus installers for residential, commercial and business sectors.

A NAPIT symbol identifies that company as a government approved carrier for Part P Registered Domestic Electrical Installers.

Benchmark is a UK nationally recognized regulating Scheme who holds makers and solar pv panel installers in Scotland answerable for their domestic heating and hot water practices.

This Scheme is controlled by the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council (HHIC) who provides consumers a certificate which assures that their installers have correctly and safely installed solar panels.

A certified MCS industry expert has authorized all Benchmark contractors.

Any of the above accredited symbols assures property owners that they have employed a licensed, trustworthy and pro expert.

These agencies and associations guarantee in guaranty that their solar cell installer’s work follows the correct industry standards and safety laws.

Alison O’Neil writes on a contract basis for EcoSave Insulation L.T.D a company concentrating on solar pv panels in Scotland and other energy saving solutions.