Managing Holiday Financial Stress

As the vacation season comes to culmination, one of the areas where stress makes an attempt to seem to creep into our minds is in the area of finances. With gift purchases adding up, tax points to consider, and holiday travel costs being incurred, many people are tempted to let negative vibrations into their lives due to increased spending. Like any other stress related subject, though, you have to know how to shift this one too.

Stop & Breathe! The first, and most vital, step to beating vacation stress in the area of finances is to stop and breathe. Allow your energy to focus itself on a positive image, and just let the the negative feelings exit your thinking. While this may sound simple it is STRONG and you can do this! Remember that handling your energy is Essential in everything in life and business:)

Note It Down! Ok, now you have reached a place of focus and calmness in your consciousness, lets get to work on the rest. Begin by writing down the things which need to be done or purchased, and the costs associated with those items. Don’t over investigate this too much and have fun with it. You can even add a few insane things to your list, just to keep it exciting.

Now, add to this list things that may cost nothing or that you already have in your possession. For example, a list may look like this:

  1. Gift for my parents $50
  2. Travel Cash to see family $150
  3. Gift Exchange gift for work $20
  4. Gift for my childs teacher $20
  5. Donation toy for charity $20
  6. Money for vacation activity with my kid $50
  7. Books to read on Yuletide Eve $0 (Library)
  8. Dessert to take to work holiday Party $0 (ingredients already in cupboard)

If you happen to detect, line items 1-6 have interrelated costs, and numbers 7-8 do not. Now, from this point, try and list the things from highest concern to least priority. Your list might now look like this:

  1. Travel Money to see family $150
  2. Books to read on Xmas Eve $0 (Library)
  3. Gift for my folks $50
  4. Donation toy for charity $20
  5. Money for vacation activity with my child $50
  6. Gift for my childs teacher $20
  7. Dessert to take to work vacation Party $0 (ingredients already in pantry)
  8. Gift Exchange gift for work $20

Now that you have things listed from most important to least, brainstorm about any changes that you can make to restrict the cost without sacrificing the significance. These are some concepts, based on the above list

1.Lower gift amount for mothers and fathers to $40 and have my kid hand-make a card

2.Instead of buying a new toy for charity, find a nice one that my kid no longer plays with and donate that as an alternative.

3.Ask a pal if they want to split the purchase of a new toy for a kid for charity with our family.

4.Search the internet for a free vacation activity to do with my child, rather than something costly.

5.Decrease the gift amount for my childs teacher to $10 and hand-make a card

6.Not participate in the gift exchange for work

Now, arrange your list to incorporate the changes and see where you are now.

1.Travel Cash to see family $150

2.Books to read on Yuletide Eve $0 (Library)

3.Gift for my parents $40 (make card home made)

4.Donation toy for charity $10 a toy my kid doesn't use

5.Money for holiday activity with my kid $0

6.Gift for my childs teacher $10 (make card home-made)

7.Dessert to take to work holiday Party $0 (ingredients already in cupboard)

8.Gift Exchange gift for work $0 (opt-out)

Now, take one or two more minutes and write down all of the things that you have this holiday season that are positive and that contribute to high vibrations, andi f you really nee to, do mull over taking up a personal loan rather than using your card.

Include the love of family, time expended with pals, and the blessings that you have. You might also want to include your positive. Outlook for the vacation season. Stuff like This may be the best holiday season yet or My New Year is looking really bright and promising! Remember to focus your mind as much as you can on the positive and not let negative vibrations, like holiday stresses seem to divide your energy!

Nancy Bondi is a prefessional theropist and have gained extensive recognition in her area. She stopped working full time after being highly unwell but have manged to get fiscal assistance which helped here recover and manage her finances in the interim. She now does part time counselling in her local community and often travels out of town on paid request. She has a golden retriever whom she loves dearly and enjoys hanging out with him walking him in the park.