Law Of Attraction Coach: Find The Harmony To What You Want

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Nanette Geiger, Law of Attraction Coach , writes… …

The moment you realize a desire, it’s like you’ve launched a message, and the Universe answers. Your only job is to allow, or be in harmony with the vibrational alignment with your desire. At first there’s a gap in the way of you and the thing you desire. You feel the desire into being by arriving at the vibrational harmony with that which you desire. This is accomplished by finding that place of harmony. That’s how you find energy harmony with your desire. Law of Attraction Relationships are supremely rewarding and fulfilling beyond your most wonderful fantasies!

Create the story of what you want as though it’s real, instead of your life experience in the present. This is what Neville Goddard suggests; “Turn your future goal into a present truth”. Keep your alignment practice to yourself unless you have full support of friends and family. They won’t get it and could undermine your creative process.

Feel expectant and eager throughout your life. We’re told by Abraham-Hicks that anything you focus your attention on for as little as seventeen seconds you include it in your intention. Your vibrational influence begins to acquire immense momentum. Feeling well is self-evident of your harmony with what you want. Relationship Attraction has never been more powerful as a result of the discovery of the Law of Attraction.

Naturally, when you desire something, you have to initially notice it’s not present. There is a natural tendency to feel pain when we do not have it. Negative emotion shows us the difference to (or the opposite of) what IS wanted. Negative feelings then become simple information. Our Inner Being is offering us negative emotion as a sign that we are not lined up with who we really are, a manifestation of Source Energy, and in the power seat of manifesting our lives. Negative emotion shows us we’re retaining a belief that we are powerless to manifest our own desires. A Law of Attraction Coach can assist you in completely changing your experience with expert life coaching.

So now we know how to deal with negative feelings. Seek alignment. Look for reasons to appreciate, reasons to smile, and love.