Want The Secret To Happiness? Exchange Your Wish List For A Gratitude List!

It is usually all too easy to spend our time wishing for what we don’t have and dreaming of the day when we have finally ‘made it’. We dream of the day we can say we have achieved it all, encountered it all and have it all.

Nevertheless, it is this damaging attitude that’s stunting our happiness and thwarting our sense of wellbeing. Happiness is never a destination. Regardless how many things we tick off our to-do list or exactly how many goals we achieve – we will always want just that little bit more.

No, it’s as the Law of Attraction teaches us (see – books on law of attraction ) – happiness is not about the destination, it is definitely about the journey. It’s about opening your eyes to the beauty and good which is already around you. Happiness is opening our eyes to the positivity that we already enjoy in our lives, the beauty and love that we’re already blessed with – regardless how much or how little. The greatest happiness that you will ever know comes from gratitude.

All of us enjoy many blessings, without even realising it. Regardless of these blessings, we all too often allow our feelings of lack and want to override our feelings of gratitude and happiness.

This is why gratitude is important. An ‘attitude of gratitude’ can remind us of what really matters in our lives and force us to remember how lucky we really are. When you are thankful you’re happy; follow these 3 tips for better gratitude.

1.Keep A Gratitude Journal.

Every single day, make it your goal to find a minimum of 10 things that you are grateful for in your life and write them down.Regardless of where or how you record these reasons for gratitude; doing so will prove an effective reminder of all the good which is in your life . This will not only help your life to take on an instantaneous, rosier appeal but will allow you to feel more positive and happier in the life that you lead (see – www.thelawofattraction.co.uk toread more here about the law of attraction for your career ).

2.Look For The Little Things.

In the tougher, almost despairing times of your life it can seem near impossible to find reasons for gratitude in your life. Nonetheless, having an attitude of gratitude doesn’t have to necessarily involve giving thanks for the big things. Whether its a stranger’s smile, hearing your child’s voice, your pillow or having the use of your legs – all of these are remarkable reasons to be grateful.

3.Give Back!

Debatably the easiest and most rewarding way of expressing gratitude, is to give back! Be it you are making a donation to charity, lending some help or providing a shoulder to cry on – all of these things are ways of expressing gratitude and will help to attract greater positivity into your life.

So, try an attitude of gratitude for yourself! As you can see, having an ‘attitude of gratitude’ doesn’t have to be difficult and can make a real difference to your happiness.

For more information on using gratitude or The Law of Attraction, see – thelawofattraction.co.uk/the-secret/ .