The Impact of Abusive Drinking on Relationships

One of the alcohol abuse facts that somehow, someway escapes several people’s understanding is that careless drinking habitually hurts relationships. Stated more precisely, to a fairly great degree, irresponsible drinking is to relationships what chemical dependency is to an individual’s health or what dysfunctional brakes are to the safety of the driver of a vehicle. In all of these instances, the result is typically a calamity.

When the connection between hazardous and excessive drinking and relationships is studied a little more closely, nonetheless, there are some sound reasons why careless and irresponsible drinking and relationships don’t go together in a very positive or healthy way.

Hazardous and Irresponsible Drinking Reduces an Individual’s Inhibitions

First, irresponsible and unhealthy drinking lowers an individual’s inhibitions. This frequently means that a person who has been drinking has less control over what he or she does and says. The bottom line is that individuals in a relationship who have been drinking are much more likely to engage in spiteful and mean verbal battles and/or hostility that may well not have taken place if neither person was drinking.

Hazardous and Abusive Drinking Adversely Affects an Individual’s Reasoning, Decision-Making, and Problem Solving Skills

Second, excessive and abusive drinking negatively impacts a person’s problem solving, decision-making, and reasoning skills and abilities. Indeed, if somebody uses incoherent problem solving, decision-making, and reasoning abilities, this commonly negatively influences the options a person makes as well as her or his actions. Such a situation, it’s proclaimed, is calamity waiting to happen when relationships are concerned due to the sheer number of decisions and difficulties that need to be dealt with on a regular basis.

Heavy Drinking Frequently Impacts the Drinker’s Finances in an Adverse Way

Third, careless and irresponsible drinking typically impacts the drinker’s finances in an extremely adverse way. After all, whether a person buys his or her alcohol at a pub, liquor store, sports event, restaurant, or drinks at home, abusive and careless drinking is not cheap. And if cash is spent on drinking rather than on the mortgage, car or truck payments, food, utilities, the rent, credit card bills, and so on, volatile difficulties in a relationship are more likely than not right around the corner.

Hazardous and Heavy Drinking Commonly Manifests Itself at Work

Fourth, irresponsible and unhealthy drinking generally manifests itself at work. To the degree that this takes place, an individual’s ability to make a living is severely placed in a risky situation and this, in turn, negatively has an effect on one’s relationships.

Abusive and Excessive Drinking Normally Results in Problems With the Law

Finally, excessive and irresponsible drinking often results in difficulties with the law. Plainly one or more ”driving under the influence” arrests, for instance, cannot do anything but adversely affect a relationship from a financial and from an emotional frame of mind.

You Need Motivation to Get Alcohol Treatment to Stop Your Heavy and Excessive Drinking

So what is the message to be taken away from this discussion? First, if you want to have solid, close relationships in your life, abstain from irresponsible and abusive drinking. Second, if you are a drinker and you are in a relationship, if you want to keep this relationship or perhaps make it even stronger, then make sure you always drink in moderation or not at all. And third, if you have alcohol problems that are negatively affecting your relationship, please seek more alcohol information and consider getting alcohol rehab.


To wrap things up, it can be determined that careless and hazardous drinking negatively influences an individual’s relationships mainly because it lowers an individual’s inhibitions and contributes to unkind and malicious verbal abuse and/or physical abuse.

It can also be concluded that unhealthy and abusive drinking adversely impacts an individual’s decision-making, problem solving, and reasoning skills, hence leading to badly chosen options and behavior.

In a related way, irresponsible and hazardous drinking frequently negatively impacts the drinker’s finances, thus affecting the money management ability of the people who are involved in the relationship. What is more, irresponsible and excessive drinking typically adversely affects a relationship because of alcohol-related employment difficulties.

And finally, excessive and hazardous drinking normally leads to alcohol connected difficulties with the law such as DUIs, jail time, and penalties and fines. Plainly, such legal difficulties negatively affect most cherished relationships.