Are You Reaching Your Goals In Your Home Business?

Home Business – Are You Reaching Your Goals?

So, we’re almost half way through this year! Doesn’t time pass quickly! What are your goals looking like for 2010? Have you achieved what you intended to achieve? Or has life got in the way of all your dreams and hopes and you are not producing the results you intended? If you work from home, it is all too easy to lose your focus. You can get distracted by things happening around you and suddenly you realise that you have just put your business down and lost any impetus you had!

You really need to put in some work on your business each day, if you want to get results. Obviously by this I don’t mean you can never miss a day, but especially when it is a new business, you need to make a regular effort. Your busines will not grow if you try to build it in fits and starts. I know, because I did it! I let every little thing disturb me at the beginning, but then working from home was very new to me. Almost any excuse would keep me away!

Unfortunately I soon realised that when I stopped, my lead generation stopped. Which is not good! So now I always do something. Even If I can only spare half an hour, I will do something towards getting my name out there on the internet. I can get up a bit earlier in the morning or I can stay up a bit later at night. I can miss that television programme that I usually watch! Even if I am on holiday, I think about ideas to improve my business and make videos on my camera!

So don’t let your life or your children stop you from building your home based business. Make your family the reason WHY you do this business, not an excuse for not doing it! If you think of it from that point of view, it makes it easier to give up some time to your work. Think about the future, and what this business can give you! What if it brought you the spare time and the money to do whatever you wanted? It can give you a great, comfortable future!

If you have let your home business slide, now is the time to pull out the stops and re-commit to putting in the effort. Make a pact with yourself that you put a certain number of hours into your business each week. Try making a new plan of what you want to achieve in the next six months, then work out what you would have to do each week to achieve that goal.

Make it into a big colourful chart and put it up where you work, so you can see clearly what you are meant to be doing each week, or each day. This will stop you from sitting around trying to decide what to work on.

Make the decision now that you will not waste the rest of this year!

Hope this article has inspired you to work on your home business goals! If you want to discover how to cut your learning curve down by half, grab the awesome marketing system that I use!