Jump Start Your Business’ Internet Marketing Strategy with P.T.A.

There are very few authors, speakers, or businesses that can be successful without using the Internet as part of their marketing plan.  But the fact of the matter is, most people may use the Internet to find the products and services they need, but have no idea how to use it for their own profitability. 

You may share the confusion of others as to how Internet marketing strategies can work for you and where to begin. 

Regardless of what business you are in, the steps to Internet marketing success are very similar, and it might surprise you to learn they haven’t changed much in over a decade!  The challenge is that there are so many resources out there for the various steps in the process, with little education as to where each item fits in with other steps. 

Avoid getting caught up on an individual strategy or tactic until you have identified your P.T.A., the basic steps you need to find success on the Internet:

P:  Plug-In

Examine where you currently fit in the Internet marketing process and “plug in” at that point.  Are you a complete beginner?  Or do you have some knowledge, but can’t seem to tie it all together?  If you can identify where you fit into the process, you will be better able to plug in to those tools and resources that you need to succeed. 

T: Team-Up

The next and most important step for any small business owner, author or speaker is to team up with those that can help implement the process.  Unless you are making a living as a full blown Internet marketer, your principal business belongs out in the field doing your thing, not in front of the computer trying to figure it all out.  And, contrary to popular belief, just having a website designed by someone you find on Craig’s List or overseas won’t get you the success you want from your Internet marketing. 

Your goal is to find outsourced help that is multi-dimensional in their knowledge and understanding of the Internet, as well as sensitive to your unique needs and concerns.  You need to start now to form a devoted team that will be at your side for years to come to help you with technical challenges and smart, calculated Internet marketing planning for your business or service. 

A:  Accelerate

Just having a website without a full knowledge of the Internet marketing process will result in never being able to fully realize the last step by accelerating your strategies to success.  Learning a few strategies or techniques will only cause to confuse you until you have plugged into where you are in the overall process, and found resources and team members able to lead you to success.  Once you have done that, your business success from the Internet will start to fly. 

Marty Dickinson is an entrepreneur and the founder of HereNextYear, Inc., a full service Internet marketing company in business for 15 years.  He specializes in Internet marketing solutions for the small business owner, speakers and authors.  Visit to see what HereNextYear has to offer and to learn more about their innovative new website packages fully integrated for ease with social networking and other Internet marketing strategies.