Where Is Safe To Travel In Africa?

Volunteering in Tanzania has been prevalent over the last 20 years. Volunteering in Africa is becoming exceedingly popular amongst many travellers. Volunteering in Mombasa is most certainly amongst the top destinations volunteers are now visiting There are many profound reasons why this is the case. Kenya and Tanzania are very popular tourist destinations with people from all over the world due to there unique scenery and landscapes. These countries also have a very unique and diverse culture to offer the rest of the world ranging from the Masai tribe in Tanzania to the Pokot tribe in Northern Kenya. As the rest of Africa goes these countries are relatively stable attracting more tourists.

Volunteers from all over the world are going to attracted to places and areas within Africa that hold appeal. Not only for volunteering purposes but also for ancillary activities including safari tours, scuba diving trips and mountain climbing. Volunteers travel to Africa in the first place to participate in a volunteer project, using their skills to help and teach the local communities their knowledge. This experience is the fundamental element of the trip. Most volunteers after travelling all the way to Africa will want to experience a bit of the county and this usually occurs once a placement has finished and they are able to go off and explore the country.

East Africa is relatively safe in comparison to its neighbouring countries such as Somalia and Sudan. The uprising and development is taking rapid shape in many of these areas boosting tourism numbers as more facilities are being constantly erected. It is important for the governments to keep the countries stable allowing the constant growth to continue.

Volunteers on the whole have an experience of a lifetime whilst on projects within this area. It is not only the local communities in Africa who benefit positively but also the volunteer’s themselves. They gain the sense of achievement, gratification and self-belief which all comes as part of the package. It is a great motivator and a great realisation of what people can do when they put their minds to it.