The Importance of Stress Management

These days, it seems we’ve all gone “Warp 10” on the Starship Stress-Me-Out. It seems that, just as soon as our heart has a chance to keep up, we’re just gearing up for the other shoe to drop. It’s like we’re running around like headless chickens with all the gusto. Immediately we begin to ask, “What the?” . Left unchecked, chronic stress is literally as serious as a heart attack. How can we regain control? If you would like to learn more on a few stress realted products that I found actually do work: stress relief supplements

That’s not a question that can be answered in a one-size-fits-all, ball cap approach. We’re all unique and at different stages in life, with different stressors bringing all of this on. We all need to take this step to begin: ask ourselves what the biggest cause(s) is for our stress and organize a targeted approach. Having done that, you’re well on your way out of stress!

Because this isn’t going to be an encyclopedic answer, here are some of the best solutions for a comprehensive stress management solution, after identifying – and targeting – the stressor(s):

1) Get a support group. You can’t avoid this step. A support group can be specific to the stressor, such as a 12-step group if your main stressor can be addressed at such, or as simple as your co-workers, cousins or closest friends. Since you cannot negotiate this step, you may have to find professional help if nobody is available for you.

2) Get fit. Without being overly technical, biology indicates the presence of cortisol and other stress hormones is a harmful reality related to stress. Your body’s chemistry regulates itself by nutrients found in healthy tissue like muscle and bone. It sounds a bit sci-fi, but your body under stress begins to break itself down entering a “catabolic state.” Over time, prolonged stress leads to major health issues. Bodybuilding and cardiovascular exercise can honestly keep the doctor away as muscle and bones are then being strengthened.

3) Diet as a lifestyle. The body’s reaction to stress is to maintain a balanced state called “homeostasis.” By not eating right, we deprive ourselves of nutrients that the body is forced to take from its own tissues, and it will also store belly fat, increase LDL, and decrease heart health. You can also be in a state called “metabolic acidosis,” which is essentially a state where the ageing processes in our bodies are on a bullet train headed downhill. Strongly consider taking a mulit-vitamin if you’re not already. Additionally, consider “Caterpillar Mushroom,” a fantastic herb from China, and the B-Complex, the anti-oxidant vitamins A, C and E, and the buffering agent potassium bicarbonate. Dietary supplementation is a great way to fight off poor eating, but eating wholesome foods is also something to start doing. No matter what you decide – BEFORE you take anyone’s dietary advice – consult your physician.

4) Relax! Now I’m getting stressed out. Weekends can’t possibly be the only time you’re getting to relax. If you’re like most folks these days, you’re up too late either working or watching the last 100 episodes of “The Office” – if you’re not, you should. That’s because laughter helps deal with stress. Getting sound sleep on a regular basis really arrests the stress cycle – aim for 7 to 8 hours of it. There are more studies proving sleep is a chief cause for stress that we can’t count them all. Listen to your body, you’ll be amazed what this free, no-cost solution does to your mood and outlook.

5) Take a break for “joy”. There are a host of other solutions that could be mentioned, but the final thought for this article will be this: give yourself some kind of “joy break,” doing something you love. This can be a time for just you alone, or you can incorporate family and friends. Whatever it is, give yourself a joy break every now and then and make it a non-negotiable appointment to enjoy something that has nothing to do with work. If you would like to learn more on a few stress realted products that I found actually do work: natural stress relief supplements