Fence Hire for Crowd Control

Where crowd control issues are a concern, fence hire is the appropriate way to deal with the situation. Mark Attwood Fence hire options exist for just about every crowd control, protective and traffic management need that could come up.

Whether it’s a sporting event, concert, festival, fair, parade or construction site, a consideration to make is crowd control. Complete chaos would reign if the general public went wherever they pleased, making a tough situation for organizers, workers and guests alike. It could be steel fencing or rope and post setups, either way, fence hire is the way to keep things orderly.

To keep pedestrians and cars going in the right direction and untangled, event fencing is the best with its interlocking steel units. Whether it is for car traffic or pedestrians, event fencing serves the purpose of partitioning available space and keeping crowds from overwhelming an area. Mark Attwood

Rope and post setups or picket fencing are ideal for more intimate gatherings where the crowd is less active. They are excellent choices if you wish your guests to feel like they are completely welcome – but not allowed everywhere. Rope and post setups help keep orderly queues without the need of steel event fencing. Picket fence hire goes a step further, giving your event a homey feel.

Construction sites, too, need fence hire of varying kinds, whether it’s around buildings or on the road. Keeping areas secure and out of sight is necessary, so choose either heavy security fencing with sight-blocking tarpaulins or hoarding – portable walls.Mark Attwood Hoarding is excellent for the area around building construction sites as there is often expensive supplies and equipment contained within. Not only do traffic barriers direct car and foot traffic during road work, they also help keep workers safe.

Depending on the type of crowd control needed, other types of fencing are available. Low-lying PVC fencing, anti-climb fencing and other varieties of barriers are all options. To control crowds effectively, fence hire has something for all needs.