Offshore Oil Job – More Than Meets The Eye

If you believe an offshore oil job is nothing more than dirty work like viewed on television, then this isn’t the whole picture. While an offshore oil job does indeed involve dirty oil drilling, it is a lot more than just that. In addition to rough neck positions, there are other high paying positions which nearly anybody with training and a little talent may undertake. Here are some of the various positions offered, and how much they might make.

An offshore oil job that nearly anybody may perform is cleaning up and preparing food.  There are several oil rig job chances for dishwashers and chefs.  On oil rigs there isn’t anyplace to go at the day’s end, yet individuals have to eat, and get their laundry done, have clean bathrooms, and a lot of other domestic tasks which normal employees don’t have enough time to perform.  A few of these tasks pay pretty good dependent upon your experience, yet merely a normal chef or cook may earn thirty-nine thousand.  Assistants may earn thirty thousand, and if you’re the boss of the camp, or supervisor, you may earn approximately sixty thousand.

If you want an offshore oil job that doesn’t force you to have to deal with actual drilling, consider painting. Your tasks will consist of painting the oil rig from high up using harnesses, with or without scaffolding. You may be provided with an assistant to help you with your tasks. You will be given a large amount of freedom, as your only real boss would be the operations controller or barge engineer. This is an oil rig job that pays well, with a salary of $40000, and without the hassles of other oil rig jobs.

From there, users can select as many engineers, maintenance personnel, crane operators, engineers and ship. For these positions, the salaries of offshore oil work, mid-range, high and very high $ 60,000 ‘s again, or dirty your hands in many other positions, and the risk of injury or death or can not have something available.

Although you need a GMDSS Radio Operator’s License, the radio operator is an offshore oil job that is probably the easiest to do. This oil rig job requires communications between the rig and helicopters, life boats and other emergencies, plus preparing time cards, and other administration jobs that others don’t have time to do. Since you deal with people on a constant basis, good communications skills is a plus. For this type of job, the pay is around $40,000.

Other oil rig jobs worth mentioning is a medic. While this doesn’t mean you have to be a doctor, you do have to have a high level of training, and you may also be required to be the rig’s safety training coordinator. You need to keep track of all the medical supplies, fix small to medium range injuries, and carry out regular check ups. This is a good offshore oil rig job, and pays a salary as high as $60,000. So as you can tell, there are many job opportunities that don’t involve rough neck responsibilities.