How To Handle Being Made Redundant Positively

Are you aware that networking is the primary source for eighty percent of jobs being secured? Networking is a key tool for employees facing job loss or redundancy, so it is worth noting the positives of using online resources for self promotion.

While job loss or redundancy is never an ideal situation, it is worth using it as an opportunity to take steps to minimise the negative aspects and find a new career. To ensure positive results and increasing your chance of a successful future, use the career tools available online.

Your Personal Brand
It is understandable that those who have been made redundant suffer from a lack of confidence. In order to achieve the results you want in your job search, you need to remain as positive as possible and market yourself proactively. The most important thing to maintain when looking for a new career is motivation; this is achievable with the advice and help available online. Think of yourself as a personal brand, which you need to sell to as many people as possible. You should contact new and relevant people daily, online networking allows you to reach a much broader audience. Sites such as Twitter, Facebook and particularly LinkedIn can be utilised and you will be surprised with the results. The same applies to spreading the word and contacting the people you know offline too. Securing job leads is made easy, when you contact your family and friends, because this way you’re using their contacts, to gain your own.

Make the Internet Work for You
For all its usefulness, the Internet can also work against you. Many prospective employees are also Googled by employers, to gain an insight into them. How to prevent any negative search results? You can protect your personal brand by not giving anything away publically on the Internet that will infringe upon your employment potential. For help with job openings, CV editing and training opportunities, use the Internet and the websites available; but it is also important to seek employment and redundancy advice online.

Take a New Approach
If your job search doesn’t seem to be generating any feedback or results, then you might have to take a new approach. There are many ways to tackle the daunting challenge of job hunting, but be aware that you are going to experience both highs and lows in your search. It is important to keep busy by taking on a part-time job, to keep money coming in, or other activities, such as volunteering. By still actively making contacts and widening your chance to secure a new career through your latest connections, you are also adding another dimension to your CV.