5 Secrets Of “Heavy Hitters” Revealed.

Do you want to look at the positive side of the equation. identifying  a challenge is ninety percent of solving the problem. Even addicts have to first agree that they have a problem before they can be helped. If we analyze the major reasons why people  fail we can just avoid those pitfalls. What pointers would you like to look at / Let’s take a look at thee pointers.

1.  Be mentally tough so you can handle rejection.  Not everyone is going to like you or what you are selling, and learn how to accept that and rapidly move on.

Did you know that selling can be easier than you think. But it all comes down to attitude. If you can understand that a rejection of the opportunity that you are so excited about is not a rejection of you as a person, then you are on your way. “No” must be interpreted as “next”. Since when did anything really come easy? You must put in your flight time, meaning be persistent and you will always win. Fortunately with technology we can by pass the rejection by using lead capture pages and auto-responders, which means talking to people that are interested in what you have to offer. It is now easy to pre-qualify your prospects with this technology. Now this make contact with your personal contacts a piece of cake.

You must realize that negative people have no power.  They might even say nasty things, because they don’t believe in themselves.  It is best to keep ultra positive, and their negativity won’t even phase you. Keep a positive mental attitude is vital to your success, so it help to listen to you favorite motivational speaker when you are not feeling 110%. You probably already know that it is good practice to listen to motivational CD’s to keep your game sharp. This is a great industry and there are look of benefits, especially the person that you become as a result of having a positive outlook and network working with incredible people.

2. It is a good idea to have realistic expectations.

You might want to learn how to pace yourself, because expecting to much to soon, might lead to a possible let down and kill your motivation. Networking does require an investment of time and effort, because you must sow before you can reap. Make sure you build your foundation.

When you are quoted the salaries of the big recruiters, be sure to ask how much time and wealth they spent to get to that level. Then you will have a clear idea.

3. Heavy Hitters will stick with there reputable company for the long haul.

This goes without saying but if you expect to succeed you must stay the course. Realize that Heavy Hitters weren’t always that way.  They had their tough times just like you, and the key is that they stuck with it and left a legacy behind. You were born to win.  Stay tough and you will prevail. You must realize this to build a massive down line. It is a good ideas to commit a least a year before you make a decision either way.

Don’t be one of those people that jump from opportunity to another, which means take your time before you join any company. Teenagers are expected to fall in and out of love every few months, but married couples have committed for life. Make a commitment to stay and succeed with your company.

Make your business as simple as possible.  There really is no need to make things hard than they could be.

Model things that work. Stay with methods that have been  tried and proven to work. This business is about results.  Not how hard you are working, because you get paid by producing results. If you find a system that has been working just plug into it and squeeze the last drop of success you can get from this. Allow your self to be coachable, and your up-line with notice that you have that burning desire to succeed. The ultimate success formula is to keep focus on your goal be flexible until you get what you desire. A person once recommended to me that you can use these strategies from his company Pyxism , and he said that anyone from any company can use these strategies to generate 30 – 50 leads a day. It a global system.

Another note of caution is that you should not expect from your recruits what you are not doing yourself. Your new recruits will respect you more when you lead by example. In other word they get their team members to “do the dirty work” for them. This practice takes away from the real meaning of duplication‚ÄîI’m doing the same thing that I’m teaching you to do.

5. Learn how to train and let them go.

The real power of Network Marketing is the power of leverage. Rather than using 100% of your own effort, you are using 1% of the effort of a hundred. If your down line members become too dependent upon you then they will be using 110% of your effort. This can easily lead to rapid burnout. An amazing way to help your down line gain the leverage you now desire is to show them how to generate their own leads. My friend John showed me what he is using for his company  Pyxism Travel and he said that he has everything automated, which really gives him more time to spend with his family and do what he really desire to do.