Gain Personal Growth in Communication

We’ve all found it rather difficult to develop personal growth in communicating our feelings or thoughts to someone else. Forming all the emotions and thoughts that are jumbled in our heads to a sentence or two can be challenging. However, we need to interact with one another, because it’s what makes this large world go ’round. Instead of becoming frustrated, and assuming that the world just doesn’t understand us, we should first try to understand others. You can gain personal growth in communication with others, and here are but a few ways to help you achieve this:


Don’t become so wrapped up in how something should be or what would make it better. When you communicate with someone, and you have developed preconceived notions on how they should be, you turn them off. Try not to be so firm in your beliefs until you completely hear what the other has to say. Take your time to understand someone, that is the trick. If you don’t have time for someone else, why, praytell, should they have time for you?


Begin by asking questions when you communicate with someone. After all, people don’t naturally walk up to others and start explaining everything they feel, want, like, and have been through. When you ask someone who you’re communicating with questions, they feel as though you actually care, and they will start asking you questions. Probing questions are what makes conversations. For example, if a person says they like to eat cheesecake, a good question would be, “What kind?” Simple as it is, it is rather effective, and keeps the conversing on a consistent and non-invasive level.


A question that is often asked of people is, if they should wait to speak, or actually listen. Forming statements or questions in our heads, and focusing solely on them until the person we’re talking to takes a breath in speech is rude, and reckless. When you abandon a person by waiting to talk we show them that we weren’t very interested to begin with, and rather selfish in this right.

Speak… Honestly

Lies are often uttered to total strangers. These are only white lies, but they are lies, nonetheless. When you meet anyone, or talk to existing friends or family, try to speak with honesty. The more honesty you show, the more personal development you can gain in building integrity. When you speak honestly, you won’tt speak or do something opposite to what you feel. Try to apply this concept to every encounter that you may have.

Be the Host

Let’s say, for instance, you go to a party. It’s a small gathering, maybe no more than forty people, and you have to mingle. You can communicate very well by thinking of yourself as the host of the party. Now, don’t lie and say things such as, “this event cost me a lot of money. Do you like it?” Try to stay in your own roll or flesh as partygoer, but be as inviting, friendly, and comfortable as a host should be. People will begin to flock to you, coming to you for your command of entertainment and conversation.

Balance Yourself

You can most definitely gain personal growth in communication once you simply treat people the same way you would like to be treated. A warning to you: the more sociable and friendly you become, the more responsibility you hold. You must compare your actions with your words. Your feelings must be expressed in a non-attacking manner. Build those relationships, and further develop personal growth in communication skills.