A Young Man Drinks Excessively, Gets Inspired to Get Treatment for Alcoholism and Depression, and Turns His Life Around

Stanley began drinking heavily when he was in the eleventh grade. Fortunately for him, although he drank excessively when he was a teenager and a young adult, when he got beyond the age of twenty-five he almost always drank in moderation.

After he finished his education he eventually found employment at a local water treatment facility where he applied himself and worked his way up from stock person, to office assistant, to purchasing assistant, to purchasing manager. Unlike his other positions, as the purchasing manager he time after time took potential vendors and existing vendors to lunch and to various sporting events.

Alhough it was not written in stone, meeting with potential vendors and existing vendors repeatedly involved situations in which alcohol was present. In fact, over the past thirteen months, Stanley had started to appreciably increase his work related and his social drinking. This has led to quite a predicament. Namely, the more successful he became as a purchasing agent, the more he began to drink.

His Increasing Bouts of Depression Also Made Him Wonder Whether He Was Becoming an Alcohol Dependent Individual

In point of fact, it didn’t take very long before Stanley’s abusive drinking started to adversely affect his relationships, his work efficiency, his health, the money in his savings account, and his mental health. At one point, Stanley, in fact, became troubled about his careless drinking and questioned whether his alcohol related issues were alcoholism signs. What is more, his increasing bouts of depression also made him wonder whether he was becoming dependent on alcohol. In a word, Stanley clearly needed to learn more about the facts about alcohol abuse and alcoholism.

Stanley Needs Alcohol Detoxification and Alcohol Rehabilitation For His Alcohol Dependency and a Medical Evaluation Regarding His Depression

So Stanley used his intelligence, called his healthcare professional, and set up an appointment for a physical examination. A week later after seeing his family doctor, Stanley regrettably discovered that he was alcohol dependent. His family doctor told Stanley that he needed to get alcohol detox and alcohol rehab for his alcohol dependency and that he also needed to get a medical evaluation regarding his depression. In a word, Stanley needed treatment for his alcoholism and depression.

The Positive News is That After His Treatment For Depression and For Alcohol Addiction, He Felt Like a New Person

His healthcare professional suggested to Stanley that he request a one-month leave of absence from work and get registered into a quality in-patient alcohol rehab program where his depression could also be assessed and treated. This is specifically what Stanley did. Fortunately after his treatment for depression and for alcohol dependency, he felt like a new person. In fact, now that he was living an alcohol-free life he rarely got depressed and he now understood how to better manage his job, his relationships, his finances, and his health.

Not surprisingly, the biggest “test” Stanley came across was at work. More precisely, he still took potential vendors and his existing vendors to lunch and to various sporting events, but after his alcohol rehab he managed to stay away from drinking while entertaining his clients.

It may be noted that Stanley also learned that none of his potential vendors or his existing vendors thought any less of him because of his alcohol-free lifestyle. To the contrary, he discovered that his potential vendors and existing vendors respected him for staying true to his convictions.

After Stanley went through alcohol treatment, however, he learned that he was a person who, for whatever reason, couldn’t drink in moderation. In actual fact he learned the hard way that if he abstained from drinking, all of the other meaningful parts of his life would be fortified. Every so often, Stanley missed drinking, but the better work performance, health, finances, and the better relationships he experienced more than compensated for his love of drinking.