An Alcoholic Goes to Alcohol Rehabilitation, Gets Alcohol Detoxification and Treatment For His Depression and His Depression, and Begins to Live in a More Healthy Manner

Barry used to boast to his friends how he could stay employed at a fulltime job and get drunk as a skunk just about every night. Sadly, after maintaining this destructive lifestyle for approximately two years, he began to display different alcohol related difficulties.

Barry Starts to Manifest Numerous Alcohol Related Issues

For example, he had a very hard time getting up for work because he felt so little energy when he awoke. Furthermore, almost every morning Barry suffered through a nasty hangover. Undoubtedly, the mixture of his lack of energy and his hangovers did not make it easy for him to get up and feel inspired to go to work. To make matters worse, approximately a week ago he received his third driving under the influence arrest in the past three months.

To complicate things further, at his place of employment his last two performance appraisals were less than tolerable. And finally, his five-and-a-half-year relationship with his girlfriend had gone downhill due to his depression, angry outbursts, financial difficulties, and his lack of patience.

Although Barry was only twenty-four years old, he frankly started looking like he was in his mid thirties. Unfortunately, this is what excessive and hazardous drinking can do to a person. And in truth he grasped the fact that he was suffering from the adverse outcomes of alcohol addiction or alcohol abuse and that he was too young to waste his life on hazardous and excessive drinking. So initially he tried to drink in moderation. Regrettably, he soon found out that he lost all control after ingesting his first drink. Stated more precisely, after his first drink he invariably proceeded to get inebriated. Due to the fact that this was a situation that was repeated over and over again, this greatly bothered him. In fact, he began to wonder if he was displaying some of the signs of alcoholism and alcohol abuse.

Barry Decides Schedule an Appointment to See His Healthcare Practitioner

After articulating his excessive alcohol consumption and his abusive and unhealthy drinking with his girlfriend, he eventually made up his mind to schedule an appointment to see his physician. When Barry saw his family doctor, he openly confirmed that he has been drinking in a hazardous manner, that he may be displaying alcoholic signs, and that he wants to quit drinking. He then declared that drinking responsibly and in moderation doesn’t work for him and, as a consequence, he wants to learn how he can develop an alcohol-free lifestyle.

Barry also told his doctor about his depression and how this mental health problem was adversely influencing his relationship with his girlfriend. His physician referred Barry to Doctor Greer, a drug and alcohol addiction psychologist, who convinced Barry to enroll in a drug and alcohol treatment facility as an in-patient for alcohol detoxification and alcohol rehabilitation. The good news is that Barry would also be able to get treatment for his depression at this treatment clinic.

Quitting Drinking Was the Best Decision Barry Had Ever Made

After five months of comprehensive rehab, Barry left the residential rehabilitation clinic and continued his recovery via going to local Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and via outpatient therapy. Encouraged to change his life in a more positive direction, Barry bought some vitamins at a health store and a cookbook. He then joined a fitness center and started working out two or three times per week. Within nine months Barry was a new man. He now looked younger than he was, he wasn’t depressed anymore, he was in shape, he was eating nutritious meals, and most significant of all, he maintained his sobriety for many months. He also became more patient, he didn’t resort to angry outbursts, and he became a more caring individual in his relationship with his girlfriend. Stated briefly, stopping drinking was the best decision Barry had ever made.