The Energies Of The Universe And Creating Abundance

If you’re trying to perfect remote viewing, how do you know if you’re succeeding or not? Remote viewing is the psychic ability to see places, people or objects with your mind’s power instead of with your usual five senses.

Think of yourself for a minute; do you think of yourself in positive ways, or do you think of yourself in negative ways? Creating abundance requires that you must absolutely know that you deserve the things you want.

What is the first step to a life of abundance? Right now, take a few minutes to focus on a few things you’d like to have. Why do you need those things, and how can you get them? Make this a habit, and do it every day. After a few weeks, you should begin to notice that you do indeed think you deserve these things, and you’ll also know why you want or need them. You’ll know you deserve them, because this feeling of being deserving has been a central focus for you for the last several weeks.

Creating abundance requires that you are goal oriented and ambitious. You should go after what you want, certainly, and you should feel inspired to do so.

Being deserving is a very important quality when it comes to creating abundance, because if you know what you want is something you also deserve, it will become yours. It may not happen instantly, but because it’s a driving passion of yours, you will ultimately obtain it, even unconsciously.

Before you start learning remote viewing, how well are you able to relax? Meditation is a good precursor to teaching your mind to reach the correct state of relaxation needed in order to access your subconscious mind. Self-hypnosis is also an excellent way to reach the same, if not deeper, trance state.

Once you’ve relaxed your entire body, remember to keep your mind alert and aware. It can be very tempting to fall asleep when you’re in such a relaxed state, so part of correct remote viewing is learning how to keep your mind awake while your physical body goes to sleep.

Sit down right now and envision how you want your life to be. Don’t just think about material things you want, but focus on positive mental and emotional attributes, too, like peace. As you do this, focus as well on becoming more ambitious and more determined. These qualities will help you push through obstacles until you get to what you want. There are no limitations your life except for those you’ve set up in front of yourself. It really is that simple when it comes to creating abundance.

The easiest way to do this is to choose test views that you know are easily verifiable. This could be trying to view a friend’s home from the comfort of your bedroom. Look carefully and see if you notice anything out of place. You might see a coffee cup left on a bench or a newspaper left on a table.

Your mind the catalyst that will ultimately determine your actions. So if you’re convinced you’re never going to be happy, own that beautiful home, or have that dream car, you’ll continue to do things that thwart creating abundance.

By contrast, if you believe you deserve those things you really want, AND you really want them, rest assured that you will get them. You may not know just yet how you will get them, but you will, and it won’t be hard.

{Do you have a positive image of who you are, or do you possess a negative image? Before you can focus on creating abundance, you must become aware of the fact that you deserve what you want.}

{How do you get abundance in your life? Take a few minutes out of your time right now just to focus on a couple of things you would like to have. Think of why you need those things and how you can get them. Do this every day for a few weeks. This will help you to become convinced that you need those things as well as the reasons why. Naturally, you will know that you deserve them because they will be the center of your focus.}

{It is important to be an ambitious and goal-oriented person when creating abundance. You must feel inspired to go after the things you want.}

{If you know that what you want is something you deserve, it will come to be yours in one way or another. It may not happen overnight, but because you are driven toward the passion for what you deserve, you will unconsciously obtain it.}

{Creating abundance relies a lot on a person’s thoughts and actions. All dreams and desires begin with a simple thought. It is up to you to transform your desires into actions. This process of obtaining abundance should not feel like work.}

{A lot of the reason why people never achieve their goals in life as well as never have the things they want is because they believe that there is no way of getting them. They lack faith in themselves and therefore lack the ability to make big things happen.}

{Sit down and picture how abundant you want your life to be. Do not only think about the material things that you want, but also focus on the mental and emotional peace that you desire. Concentrate on becoming a more ambitious and determined individual so that you can keep pushing onward and upward until you reach the top. Know that there are no limitations in your life except for the one’s you have set for yourself. Creating abundance is that simple.}

{You can prevent achieving your goals and building the life you want by listening to all of the negative things you hear. If you have negative people in your life, simply look over them or enlighten them with the concept of allowing happiness to flow freely.}

{Your mind is what determines all of your actions. If you are convinced that you will never be happy, own that big home, or nice car, then you will unconsciously do things that continue to prevent you from creating abundance.}

{On the contrary, if you believe that you deserve them, really want them, and can get them in some way or another, (although you may not be sure yet as to how you will go about it) you will find a way – and it won’t be difficult.}