The Reason To Lose Weight

Many people follow a particular diet and after a few months have reached their ideal weight. They then relax and go back to living life as they had been before they started the diet. The result is that within only a short period of time, they will not only have put all of the weight back on, but that they are actually likely to be even more fatter than they were before they started the diet.

I would like to point out that I am in no way involved within the weight loss industry; I am in fact involved with offering one-to-one stuttering courses as well as offering poster printing and providing upvc doors to small businesses.

People’s whole shape can become some what different, larger hips, larger breasts, larger bottoms and double chins to name but a few.

It is very difficult and you need to have a large amount of self-discipline, but it is important to remember that once you have reached a weight you are happy with, that you continue to follow the diet in some form. To go back to how it used to be, with all the taunts for example, would be something that I really could not bare happening.

I was advised to write down just how great it felt to have attained my ideal weight after I of course had been successful at losing the weight. I personally wrote about my determination to keep the excess weight off in the future as I really did not want to return to the bad old days.

At times you may lose focus and be tempted to go back to your bad habits, of over eating or over drinking of alcohol for example. This is when you read your journal and that should ensure that you quickly realise that the temptation is simply not worth it.

I used to be far too fat and it caused me to have a low self-esteem. School was not exactly the happiest period of my life; many a class mate would mock me, calling me fatty and podgy – these were the nicer terms. I lost a lot of my confidence and soon started to spend much more time alone.

I was a person who found it very hard to meet members of the opposite sex. My belief was that girls or women would not exactly want to be seen with a person of my size and weight.