Hypnosis And A Past Life

Many people have the thinking that the idea of reincarnation really does exist. People from every places of the earth- Japanese, Australian aborigines, Africans, modern Wiccans and many other New Age religions, believe or even thought to have experienced the connection of their past life to their present life and it could have influenced who and what they are now.

Each and every past life has shaped our mental, social and physical make up. Hence if you really want to know the ‘real you’ then you need to go into your past lives and meet your self. You need to resolve the past issues and even accumulate all the strengths and positive experiences to make you a better person in this and future lives.

What are the indications of past lives? It is not easy to determine how and what the past life was but some of the simple indications are disturbing dreams that keep on visiting you in your sleep that you never was aware if it happened to you. OR when you recall from memory some of the things that happened in your life but you can not explain if when it happened. This may have been you in your past life indicated by the following circumstances:

* When you saw or learned about a particular culture or arts, you already had a deep connection or attraction to that thing. Based on reincarnation idea, this may be because you were from that region or from that era. To be fully sure of this, you may want to learn some more culture or arts and discover your reactions and the effect it gives you; it may be linked to your origin in your past life.

* Some cultural or historical incidences and significant events have a great impact on you but you are not aware or you cannot explain why. It could be that you were once a part of the influential events in the past and perhaps you became one of the active individuals of that event.

* You might be experiencing different allergies or problems that were not previously present or detected or you might have some psychological or physical problems that you cannot explain which might be linked to your past life.

You do not have to experience all these indicators; even just one of these could be enough to indicate that you have a past life that you may want to explore and discover for your own advantage. Start by looking for strange patterns or odd things in your life that you find hard to connect to or explain and then try to link it to your past life.

You may want to access your past life but you just don?t know how. Self-hypnosis and hypnotism has a special way of accessing this kind of personal imbalances. There are many hypnotists and psychological experts who can initiate the hypnotism to help you find your true self. Hypnotists may use deep hypnotic techniques to perform past life regression for you.

When you look for a hypnotism experts, make sure that the one you will acquire is the one with a deep relaxation procedure which is very essential in preparation for the past life regression process.

Hypnotic past life regression is safe to undergo. You do not have to worry about anything when the process proceeds. This is just a simple way of going back to what happened in your past life. The people you came to interact with and the events you experienced during that past life may not look clear and precise but the point is to let you know what you are in the past.

As you recall your life in the past, it will generate after effects in your feelings. If you feel good, your past life could have been good. If you feel bad after the process, your past life could have been bad as well. Although some memories and past life events are not good for you, it does not mean that you will have the same bad fate in the current life. It is only a recollection of your past life for your benefits.

All you really need to do is to remember your past life and just move on. The suppression of the past life memories is the cause of all the problems. Once there is an acceptance and understanding about all the experiences in your past life you can move on and understand the present life with a fresh perspective.

According to the theory of ‘Karma’, if you were kind and good in your past life, you will be sure that good karma is the result of those positive actions. But the good karma will only take effect if you can keep up the good personality in this present life. Once you change your life from good to bad, your karma will also change and.

Not all people believe this idea because they thought that if someone was bad in the past life, there is no reason for him to suffer from the bad karma that might be due him in his past life. But the truth is, every one is entitled to have a new life ahead and every life is a chance to have a better life by choosing to do right in the current life.