Juegos-Trabajo-Empleo | Is it Really Important? Business Branding


If you have your own business or company, you might want to have your own identity by creating your own brand which would help your customers and other people recognize your business. But just like a true businessman, you will probably ask “what’s in it for me?” Here are some reasons why having a brand is important to your business.

• Brands are experienced by the different senses. For instance, the unique shape, color, or design of a logo or packaging can be recognized by the sense of sight. Or the unique name and catchy slogan or theme song of a business can be heard. And when people sense these stimuli, they will instantly recognize that it is your company or product.


When marketing a product, the expectations come from interaction with the product – it is tangible. Whereas with a personal brand the expectations are based upon the service that you provide for them. For some products there is no way of knowing how long the consumer interacts with it, if they are using it properly and their level like and dislike on a regular basis. Yes, social media has changed this where there are forums for people to discuss how they are feeling about a product but with a personal brand the consumer has an opportunity to reach out to you directly and tell you what they are feeling and they are provided with an immediate response.


How Can Online Branding Help?

Smart, forward-thinking small business owners have learned that a website brand is a cost effective way to: increase profits, prescreen potential customers, attract higher-caliber customers, and encourage repeat purchases.  When you consider that the average person visiting your website will judge the quality, professionalism, honesty and success of your business in just four seconds — it’s clear how important your website brand is to your small business marketing.

• For companies or businesses that have created a successful brand, it is very easy to add other products using the same brand. They do not need to do much advertising because people already know the brand and they already know what to expect. This saves the company time, effort, and money and it also lessens the risks that always go with trying to sell a new product or idea.

• If the brand is really popular or well-established in the market, the company who owns it can earn money by selling the rights of the brand to other company. This means that another company can use the brand such as name, logo, and slogan but it has to pay for the original owner of the brand. The original owner of the brand does not even have to provide other parts of the business such as facilities, manpower, etc. The company with a really strong brand has a financial advantage by just allowing other companies to use their brand. And really popular and well-established brands come with very expensive price tags.

Having a great product or service is not enough to grow a business or improve your company if only a few people know about it and if they cannot even remember it. Creating a brand that is unique and can easily be recognized among all the other brands in the market is the key to a successful business you can be Published without charge. You can to republish this article in your website or blog. Please provide links Active.