Article Writing – An Income Generator

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Article writing is a very common practice on the Internet for so many reasons, not the least of which is to make money either directly or indirectly. As an income generator, article writing is an easy way to make money, albeit not a ton, unless you really spend a lot of time at it. In this article we’ll review some of the direct and indirect ways that you can make money from writing articles.

The direct way is always the easiest because you get paid directly through your article submissions. There are a number of companies on the Internet that will actually pay you for a well written article. The pay per article is not usually very much unless you’re writing an unusually long one. Most places will pay by the word and for the most part, companies will require that articles be a minimum of 500 words long. Some places will pay more for longer articles while others will pay the same amount regardless of how long the article is.

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When applying for information regarding writing articles for a company, you should make sure you understand exactly what the pay is for each submission and also what articles they require. If a company is looking for articles on boating and you submit them an article on fishing, there is a good chance that you won’t be paid for your submission. Most companies have very strict submission guidelines so please be sure to read them carefully, if they’re posted on the site, or ask the company to send them to you if an email inquiry is required in order to even submit anything.

Another way to make a direct income from your article writing is to advertise your services as a freelance writer on the Internet. With the right kind of promotion, you’re bound to get people emailing you and requesting you to write articles for them. The great thing about freelancing is that you can charge whatever you want for your services. Obviously you want to make your rates reasonable or you won’t get much return business. As your business starts to pick up, you can then think about raising your rates, especially if you get an excellent reputation as an article writer.

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Aside from making an income directly from article writing, there is also the possibility of making an indirect income as well. This can be done by writing articles for your own use and putting them up on your web site or submitting them to article directories. If you’re wondering how this can generate an income for you then you haven’t learned the power of the article on the Internet.

People are always looking for information on any number of subjects. By providing this information, these people are more likely to visit your web site if you give them content that has helped them. Once they get to your site, there is no limit to what happens from that point. You can have an email capture page to add them to your mailing list, Adsense ads to get revenue from and even lists of products that you can sell to generate an income from. The possibilities are endless. All because you wrote a few articles.

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