Working in the Automotive Sector

The automotive industry has a wide variety of jobs from manufacturing the automobile, clerical work, repairs, sales, and companies peripherally related to the automobile industry, such as suppliers. It is an all encompassing industry supplying many opportunities to those who know where their strengths are. These strong positives should be focused on in your CV and you are ready to begin.

It is difficult to get the positions, which are not that technical, i.e. construction of the motor vehicle. With increasing outsourcing to foreign countries and less automobiles manufactured in the United States, it would be quite difficult to land such a position. A sales job for one of the well-established motor manufacturers is not out of the question. Though less sales positions are available, an excellent salesman or saleswoman is always in demand if they have a following and are expert in the art of salesmanship.

Even in this time of a decline in automobile sales, the complexity of the present-day automobile with its computerization, needs well-qualified personnel to repair the automobiles. If this is your experience there are positions awaiting in automobile service centers, both privately owned and those belonging to the automobile manufacturers. If money is available you can even open your own repair shop, bearing in mind that it will take time to get name recognition through satisfied customers. There will always be a need for a top experienced mechanic in the motor industry and you can expect to be paid well.

Clerical skills which entails a knowledge of the required computer programs used in the automobile industry could well land you a job in the office of an affiliated company or supplier to the motor industry.

If you are a graduate with a degree in science, the new green revolution could be the place to go for employment. With the invention of the hybrid automobile and the research and development in batteries, natural gas and other fuel substitutes being studied as possible replacements for fuel, you could get in on the ground floor of a growing industry.

Should you have the appropriate license, there are opportunities for drivers for towing and carrying vehicles on a transporter vehicle. How often do you see vehicles being towed or carried due to some mechanical failure?

There are so many positions connected with the automobile Industry, even going as far as becoming an insurance agent specializing in writing automobile policies or even automobile loans. It is an industry with a lot of opportunities.

There are quite a few specialist recruitment job sites and Job Boards offering vacancies in both the UK and overseas.

Lou Garrido SEO and Management Consultant wrote this article about automotive jobs. Louise recommends for automotive jobs