Which Type of Solar Panels

It’s imperitive that you realise that solar panels have two distinct funtions: generating heat and producing electricity. It’s important to know which kind you need for the job you have in mind, because they are not interchangeable. But both kinds can save you money and help support a greener lifestyle.

View The Solar Panel Set-Up Here

Solar thermal collectors use the sun’s energy to heat water and other fluids, like oil. The liquid is heated by the sun as it runs through tubing, hoses, or coils in the panel. You would use this sytem for heating pools, hot tubs etc. These panels can also be used for baseboard heating units and hot water flooring systems for heating building interiors. You will find that once this type of system is in place it is sufficient for all heating requirements

Another type of solar panel uses solar photovoltaic cells to create DC (direct current) electricity. Typically, they use semi-conductor material (silicon) in the panel, which interacts with sunlight to produce electricity. This power can then be used for all your domestic requirements: t.v., computer, to name but a few The panels can only produce electricity when they are receiving direct sunlight.

Use Solar Panels To Make Heat

In order to have electricity available at night or during overcast periods, the electricity generated in the daytime has to be stored in a battery storage system. You can use the less expensive lead-acid batteries (like the kind your car uses), but keep in mind that they must be filled with distilled water to maintain their charge. You can also use more expensive batteries. Sealed AGM (absorbent glass mat) batteries don’t require maintenance to keep their charge. Freeze-resistant gel batteries are best for colder climates.

For both the thermal collector and the photovoltaic systems, glass panels are used to encase their collection systems, and both must have direct sunlight to function. Ideally, the panels should be placed in a south-facing location that provides maximum access to sunlight during the day. Solar panels can be used in almost any geographical location, but they will not be as effective in areas that have a high number of cloudy days throughout the year.

Even in mostly sunny areas, it’s always wise to add a backup generator to both kinds of solar panel systems. You can even go that extra mile and make your own biodiesel if you decide to include a generator with your system And you’ll be glad you have one if your battery storage becomes depleted or there is a long period of overcast weather.

Make Your Own Solar Panels: Find Out Here