Does it just mean either succeed or fail

A lot of successful entrepreneurs ( Horse Employment ) made their fortunes by accident. They stumbled across an idea which they were then able to put into practice. Many people have many companies before trying to hit the jackpot. The one thing they all have in common is the ability to put their ideas into practice. A majority of people are making their effort to make piles of money via internet marketing in fact give up before they indeedly gain began. It is all too simple to seek for persons who have made huge amounts of money online as an overnight success, when the fact is they have been making effort to a lot of various methods over a lot of years before they succeed. Generally we are all looking to become an overnight success, but when we wake up the next morning to find our Inbox is not full of order we naturally believe that success for us is not possible and everyone else is a scam.

However, knowledge of English and French moved to hold the attention of the Directorate of Special Operations, a unit of British intelligence, which had been established, and to help the underground resistance forces in the country under Nazi occupation of Europe. The SOE recruited ( Horse Recruitment ) Grover-Williams and after extensive training he was parachuted into France with orders to set up an underground network code named 'Chestnut.'

I will always remember sitting in on a hiring interview and being invited to ask one question of the candidate. He showed me a brief curriculum vitae of the candidate, from all sorts of personal issues, including the fact that they smoke and have brushed Facebook. At the top of the opening page was a photograph of them next to a horse ( Horse Recruitment ) with a rosette in it's bridle.

My sole question was obvious: who taught you to write a resume?

Writing the perfect resume for yourself is difficult enough without including things that are going to alarm your potential employer. Since your resume will be scanned very quickly and is probably one of the many, there are five important things that have never been recorded, so you get a chance, that all important first interview. Five items that head the 'Don't do this in your resume' highlight reel.