How To Win Her Back- Start By Ignoring Her For A While – This Stuff Works!

Have you recently split? Are you looking to learn how to win her back? You first move should be to stop any & all contact. Probably the last thing on your mind, but it will work. Believe me.

I guess you are going through a massive amount of emotional upheaval at the moment. There’s a good chance your emotions are in tatters. You get the best of both worlds if you sever all contact with your ex.

First off, you get chance to heal. To get your emotions under control. It’s very important to both your health and also crucial to the plan to win her back.

Trying to win her back in an unbalanced state will certainly kill any chances you have. You can easily sail through any tense situation if you have total control of your emotions. This shows her how grown up you are, when she will be expecting the opposite.

Another benefit of cutting contact is your ex can’t fail to notice your absence. You could be thinking that she finished it so why miss you now? You were a constant in your ex’s life for a while. Not being there now will force her to wonder about you.

They must be thinking about you to notice you aren’t around any more. It’s better to be in your ex’s thoughts in any way possible than not at all. Being in their face constantly leads them to negative thoughts, being nowhere to be seen leads to her thinking good thoughts.

How long do you stop the contact for? It’s difficult to say exactly as everyone is different. Only my opinion but I’d say no more than 3 weeks, maybe 4. Don’t give her enough time to move on.

What’s the next step you may ask. “I’m in full control and want to win her back, how do I do it?” Great question. I’d say you put together an action plan. A plan that you can easily follow all the way to the end.

You can go one of two ways. Do it all yourself, & attempt to win your girl back with your own techniques. I wish you luck if you try it this way. Or make the smart move and use a blueprint that’s proven to work.

It’s a fact, although a difficult one to believe, that there are methods like this on the internet. Systems that boast thousands of succesful results. Systems that are complete step by step blueprints.

When I first came across a system like this I honestly thought it was total bull. But, I was pleasantly surprised to have my mind quickly changed. One of the most popular methods has reunited over six thousands couples. So there must be something to it!

You have a choice to make, try to win her back all by yourself. Or take the route that the smart people take and borrow the wisdom of some successful people. I don’t know about you but I know I’m taking the second route.

Discover how to win her back at this web site….

Click to win your ex back.