How To Increase Self-Esteem

Do you have a lack of self-confidence? Would you like to find out ways in which you could increase your self-esteem and self-confidence? If you have answered one or both of these questions with a “yes” then this article may well be worth a read.

Up until the age of about twenty-one I always seemed to have a lack of self-belief. In truth I did not particularly like myself. I was extremely jealous and envious of other people and what they seemingly had in comparison to me. They seemingly had it so easy where as for me life was a constant struggle. What I needed was to some how gain confidence.

I had a stutter you see which did make life unbearable at times. I did eventually, at the age of twenty-two, manage to achieve fluency which of course was a great relief. I had however already spent the previous eighteen years struggling to cope with a stuttering or what is also known as stammering problem that virtually destroyed my entire confidence; it also meant that life was quite tough working where I did as a personal injury claims clerk.

What I did learn and what was eventually a catalyst to enabling me to eradicate the speech impediment was that I needed to start appreciating what I had in life. I had to stop feeling sorry for myself and I needed to work hard at improving the areas of my life that I was not happy with – such as my speech.

I also had to stop stressing, panicking and worrying so much. My whole approach to life had to change; I was now going to start to think in a positive manner.

I was attempting a huge overhaul of the way in which I lived my life, it was far from easy. In the end however the hard work and determination did pay off; I am now able to talk fluently with a new found confidence.

I hope that you will also be able to gain in confidence; I will be happy to help in any way that I can.

As a successful businessmen I am now involved in various projects including one which offers Currys voucher codes. This is a great deal fun and I continue to do this for some time to come.