Personal Training Business | Reaching Critical Mass In Your Personal Training Business

Personal Training Business | Reaching Critical Mass In Your Personal Training Business

Getting to critical mass is the GOAL of your personal training business.  It’s getting to the point where your business is generating a six-figure income for you almost automatically.  And it’s not difficult to do if you are consistent and committed.  Here is a simple way to get started…
Have you noticed that almost every website offers a free newsletter?  Why is that? What is the PRIMARY purpose of offering a free newsletter? 
The main reason – “database building” or “lead capture.”  The site owner wants to capture your email address so they can send you valuable information which tangibly demonstrates their expertise and make specific OFFERS to you in each newsletter.
And since sending an email newsletter is as simple as clicking a button, and there are no associated costs other than time invested, it’s the ultimate marketing method.
The more email addresses they adds to their database, the greater their SALES are each time it’s sent.  And the better the content of the newsletter, the greater the likelihood the recipient will forward the email to friends and family, thereby REFERRING new prospects to the web site.
Be sure to add this concept your website now so you can start capturing new prospects.
Next, let’s talk about how this works offline and how it can be the single most important thing you ever do to build a solid personal training business which is not only self sustaining, but also feeds on itself and grows, and grows, and grows. 
Locating qualified prospects can be a daunting task.  The key to doing it cost effectively is leverage.  You must leverage your contacts, your network, and your sphere of influence.  That’s what critical mass is all about — leverage!
How can you gain marketing leverage?  Simple, you develop your own “sales force.” 
The most important way you can do this for your personal training business right now is by building your database of past and present clients, family and friends, and personal and business contacts. 
Your sphere of influence, although they know you have a personal training business, may not think that you need or WANT THEM to refer to you.  So it’s up to you to ask! Ask in person and in every communication you send out.  But always, always ask.  If they don’t know you want and rely on referrals, you can’t blame them for never referring.
I guarantee you that if you send a personal letter to every person you know and ask for referrals, you will get some.  Your sphere of influence WANTS to help you — all you have to do is ask. 
Even a simple letter that says “Dear : My business is doing well, I’ve helped many clients achieve outstanding results.  And now I need more clients.  That’s why I’m writing you today — to ask for your help.  Who do you know in your community, office or social circle that has expressed an interest in losing weight and getting fit?  Please call me with their names and addresses and I’ll send them my special free report, with no obligation whatsoever.  You know me, I would never try to pressure anyone you refer to me.  I’ll just provide great information and answer any questions they have.  That’s it — you have my word — no “selling.”  And you know what, if my past and present clients are any indication at all, whoever you refer to me will probably be sending you a big bottle of wine every year at Christmas to thank you for directing them my way.  Because I get results for my clients.”
Marketing leverage is the crucial means by which you can bring your business to critical mass.  There are lots of ways to do this.  But the most important is to use your database of clients, friends – everyone you know.  Contact them regularly.  Let them know what you’re all about.  And ask for their help.  It works!
These are just a couple of great things you can put in place now to move toward critical mass in your personal training business.