Creating Customer Value Is Key To Small Business Success

In relationship selling, the relationship comes before the selling. So often we put the “cart before the horse” so to speak. Not every marketing message should have a sales pitch. Not every conversation revolves around closing the sale.  In fact that is the fastest way to lose a potential customer. Part of your USP (unique selling proposition is giving your customers value. Give them somehting of immeasurable worth. Give them your knowledge.
How is this best achieved? There are several ways you can give them valuable information about your industry:

  • newsletters
  • tips
  • notice of upcoming events
  • links to news articles
  • celebrity stories related to your products

No one should know your business better than you do. Simply taking the time to share your knowledge with your contacts will build that relationship of trust and appreciation. This costs you nothing but a little time and could have huge ROI. Keeping in touch with existing customers is where the ball gets dropped most of the time. Follow up and follow through will separate you from the crowd.
A few stats for you:

  • 48% of all salespeople make 1 call and quit.
  • 23% of all salespeople make 2 calls and quit.
  • 17% of all salespeople make 3 calls and quit.
  • 10% of all salespeople keep calling.

It is 5 times harder to get a new customer than to keep one. If you only have the one sale you are leaving money on the table. Give them value and watch your sales soar! Keeping in touch with your customers will build a strong following community. Start today with one simple thing you can do to add value. Give to give not give to get. The get will naturally follow. Not only will people buy from you again and again; they will also tell others and referrals will add to your customer base.

Creating customer value as part of the relationship selling process will make you shine above the rest. Just by knowing your stuff and sharing it will make you a market leader.