3 Deadly Adwords Mistakes You Should Know Before Your Next Campaign

Google Adwords isn’t for everybody because it’s real time, real fast targeted traffic, but it can convert like nobody’s business. The whole system has been intricately designed to give you traffic that converts and nothing more. You absolutely can become highly proficient with Adwords, but it does take time and investment. If you don’t put in the time and effort, then you’ll end up making mistakes that will put a dent in your wallet. You’d be much better off reading about the many mistakes that can be made rather than experiencing them. Today, we’re happy to help you avoid three types of Adwords mistakes, and that’s three less to make in the PPC arena. Whether you’re using AdWords for Mobile Marketing or any other market, it’s important to take note of mistakes and make sure you avoid them.

One of the more typical newbie type of mistakes is choosing very broad keywords. As we all know, the right keyword selection leads to the success of your AdWords campaign. You will pay out the wazoo for too broad search terms will be your main problem, and furthermore the quality of your traffic will be low and untargeted. Your chances for greatest success lie with those keywords for which you can compete, so that just means reasonably competitve terms. Let’s illustrate and choose the dog training niche, and you will be selling an ebook about ‘dog training tips.’ Ok, the supreme mistake is to bid on “dog” because you would receive so many impressions that your CTR would be near zero and your CPC would sky rocket – total failure. The best approach is using long tail keyword phrases that have 3 or 4 words in them, plus you need to do basic keyword research. You will be able to keep your CPC to an minimum by using the appropriate long tail search terms in your PPC campaigns. You simply must get more educated about PPC, or Adwords, if you plan on getting involved with it.

While setting your preferences within the Adwords dashboard area, you’ll have an option to use Google’s Content Network – do not use it if you’re not familiar with it. Google’s Content Network is comprised of those websites who have signed-up for and use Google Adsense. Adsense traffic is variable, in our opinion, and it will not be as targeted as PPC traffic. It’s quite possible that your conversions will be much lower with Content Network traffic, so use at your own risk. You can best use your time with learning how to be competent with Adwords rather than messing around with the Content Network. So if your landing page is about wire on the blood , then the description should be about the same topic.

When you’re just beginning, do keep your cool and avoid becoming too excited with it all. Avoid getting excited about your campaigns, either in a positive or negative way, and learn to look at them coldly and rationally at all times. The big mistake with newer PPC advertisers is they think that if they just spend money and get traffic, then their ads will start producing revenue. You have to use some caution and common sense in the beginning, and be mindful about staying within your daily budget. Until you’re actually making some money with Adwords, we highly suggest you keep the pace slow and do not get impatient.

All advertiser make a mistake with AdWords once in a while, but there’s a huge difference between experience making mistakes and inexperience making mistakes. So just be sure to learn before doing, but once you have read the ebooks – then take action. AdWords can help you get more sales whether you’re in the kswiss sneakers niche or any other niche.