Learning How To Cosmic Order

Cosmic ordering is the process of ordering the universe, or the “cosmos” to fulfill your greatest desires. Many believe that with positive energy, positive attitude and belief in the process, the universe will obey your wishes, allowing you to lead a happy, successful life. It is said that with cosmic ordering you can live out your dreams.

The first step in learning the easiest way how to cosmic order is getting a pad of paper that you will keep for cosmic ordering and cosmic ordering only. It is key that this paper pad remains solely for the cosmic ordering process. Keep it somewhere close to hand so you’ll always know where it is.

The next thing to do in learning how to cosmic order is to concentrate on what you most desire. Once you have one thing in mind, write it at the top of the page in a message thanking the universe for its granting your the ability to receive your heart’s desire.

The next step is to then write a description of your choice about your wish in the center of the page. You can put anything you want about your wish / order in this area. Do not worry if it does not make sense on paper, you want what is natural in your mind to be relayed, so put whatever comes to mind without worrying about articulation.

The next step is to thank the universe for allowing your order to be fulfilled by writing so at the bottom of the page. You want to make sure you actually trust in the process if you really want your order to come through to the cosmos.

The next step is possibly the most crucial in the process. You must take out your journal every morning when you wake up and read your order.

The last step of the process is to see your order in effect. See it in your head while reading your order and when not reading your order. You can close your eyes if you like, but remember to see it happening. How long you envision this process will increase in time until your order comes through. Once it has, you may move on to another cosmic order.