Website Design Advice For Business

Regardless if your business is online or not, here’s a couple bits of advice to to think about for yourcustom web page design.

Is your web page’s ROI what you want?
Before you decide to start designing your website, you should formulate intent that your company page must attain. When you have a reasonable time frame you will be able to see if your website is working to achieve your businesses’ plan. If your site isn’t converting leads then alter your website design and try again.

Too Much Going On
Make sure your layout is simple and to the point. You don’t must not overdo the home part of the site. Keep it simple to achieve the best results. If you have to much going on users what you are selling and instead of purchasing your service they’ll simply search again.

Hard to See Way to Contact the The Business
The Business contact information must be easy for the user to find. This provides a few bonuses:
1. Web surfer can easily get a hold of you
2. Google Local can use this information to help your site rank higher
3. Keywords from your address might help in organic search results

Trust Your Salt Lake City Web Design firm
In web development  most of businesses believe they have what they think are awesome ideas for their web design. But, actually these ideas do not work or will make the site ugly by current web standards. Trust your web company! If you hired a plumber you’d trust them on their advice wouldn’t you? Just because you use the internet does not mean you are a professional. Often because of client intervention a good site can quickly become a ugly site.

Design Overload
For users sake and search engine placement sake. Make sure your design loads quickly. This might require getting rid of that well intended background image…

Up to date copyright
If you are going to bother putting a copyright notice up, make sure it’s up to date. Nothing makes a company look more dubious than a 2002 copyright in 2010.

Test your site
Test every part of your web design. Even if you think that a link should work or an image will show up. Whenever you change ANYTHING on your web page make sure to test it.