Your Million Dollar Idea Will Rock With A Sound Business Plan Strategy

You are pulled from your sleep with a million dollar idea.  You can’t get it out of your mind as you shower and get ready for the day.  But, the idea soon fades as you perform your day to day tasks, and when you finally have time to spend on it, you can’t remember why it was such a great idea.  Sound familiar?

A good business plan strategy will take care of that problem for you.  While a business plan strategy has many uses, one of the best is to get a million dollar idea down on paper before it vanishes. 

First, you need to get down on paper the jist of your million dollar idea – right away.  Don’t wait to write it in your special notebook or to sign onto your computer.  Grab whatever paper is handy and get the general idea down fast.  Do this step right away, the rest of your business plan strategy depends on it! 

Now you can go about the rest of your day safe in the knowledge that your idea can’t be lost.  Just the action of writing it down will cement the million dollar idea in your mind and keep you thinking about how to make it happen. 

Over the course of the next few days or weeks, confirm the following and commit them to paper about your million dollar idea:

1.  Is there a market for your million dollar idea, and can you compete in it?  Your idea doesn’t have to be so unique that no one else ever thought of it.  You just need to be a big enough fish in the pond to be able to compete. 

2.  Can your million dollar idea meet the needs of that market on an ongoing basis? 

3.  How will you deliver the million dollar idea to the market?  In other words, what resources, team, skills do you need to make it happen? 

And there you go.  The answers to a few simple questions have clarified your million dollar idea and created a base for a business plan strategy that can make it work
If you continue to be excited about the million dollar idea after creating your base business plan strategy, your next job will be to flesh out the basics you have created into a more dynamic action plan. 

Making a million dollar idea more than a dream is as easy as putting pen to paper and answering a few simple questions to create a base business plan strategy.  From there, you make your dream turn into a reality before you know it. 

Be sure to visit to get many more resources to help your million dollar idea become a reality, including samples of business plan strategies to take it to the next level.