Singing Lies

Are some of these common misconceptions and blatant lies about singing holding you back from being the best singer you can be? (For detailed information check out this article about singing lies.)   

Lie – You are born to sing, or you’re not. You have singing talent or you don’t and there is nothing you can do to change your fate.

Truth – Since almost everyone can speak, and the speaking mechanism is the same as the singing mechanism, almost everyone can sing – and should, if they desire to!

Lie – People start out singing all wrong, so they must be taught (or re-taught) EVERYTHING, in order to sing “properly”.

Truth – You MAY be doing SOME things wrong, but if you can speak, you are NOT doing everything wrong. When you speak, you are using the very same tools you need to sing – no more, no less.

Lie – To develop a vocal range of 2 octaves takes literally years of vocal training and practice.

Truth – Our voices were designed to COMFORTABLY manage 3 octaves. This can be learned in as little as 2 hours and perfected over the course of a lifetime.

Lie – A great deal of physical effort is required in order to sing with power and reach high notes.

Truth – Your power does NOT come from more force applied. It comes from utilizing frequencies and airflow in the most efficient way. Archimedes said, “give me a long enough lever and I can move the earth itself.” To get vocal power, one uses a figurative form of leverage.

Lie – You will need special instruction to learn how to breathe correctly for singing.

Truth – Breathing was one of the very first things you learned to do and you haven’t stopped breathing since. You already know how to breath!

Lie – If you learn classical singing, then you can sing anything.

Truth – Many classical singers have enormous difficulty singing with a tone that sounds natural.

Lie – It takes great effort and the coordination of many varied muscles to sing correctly.

Truth – Counterintuitive as it may sound, chances are if you’re having difficulties with your singing it’s most likely because you’re using TOO MANY muscles. You’ll get much better results if you sing as nature intended.

Lie – Singing is just a skill, like law or accounting, and thus can be educated into someone.

Truth – Singing is extremely personal and is much more than a degree or qualification you earn. Singing has the ability to move and inspire people and is very deeply connected to the soul.

You might now be wondering just what is the best way to learn to sing on a budget. Well, there are a number of high quality online singing lessons. Most folks agree however, that Brett Manning’s Singing Success is the king of teach yourself singing courses and will have you singing like a star in the shortest possible time.