Jump Start Internet Marketing Strategies Through P.T.A.

It is next to impossible for a business, speaker or author to operate at their full potential without using Internet marketing strategies as part of their overall plan.  But the fact of the matter is, most people may use the Internet to find the products and services they need, but have no idea how to use it for their own profitability. 

You may share the confusion of others as to how Internet marketing strategies can work for you and where to begin. 

Regardless of what business you are in, the steps to Internet marketing success are very similar, and it might surprise you to learn they haven’t changed much in over a decade!  Where most people feel confused is that most of the resources educating you on a particular strategy in the Internet marketing process spend no time at all explaining how that particular strategy fits into the rest of the process. 

Avoid getting caught up on an individual strategy or tactic until you have identified your P.T.A., the basic steps you need to find success on the Internet:

P:  Plug-In

Identify where you are in the Internet marketing process and “plug-in” to the process.  Are you a novice to the Internet?  Or perhaps you have some practical experience, but don’t know how to fit it all together?  Pinpoint where you fit into the process, then plug in to the resources and tools that you need for your specific situation. 

T: Team-Up

Probably the most critical to a small business owner, speaker or author, is t o find a team that can help make the Internet Marketing process happen.  Unless your profession is actually Internet marketer, you are better suited working at what you do best, not sitting at the computer trying to get a degree in Internet marketing.  And most people’s strategy of hiring a random website designer from Craigslist or oversees just because they don’t cost much rarely works. 

What you are looking for in outsourced help is someone (or a group of someones) who are interested and sensitive to your unique business and concerns, and who has a wide range of expertise in Internet marketing.  Since your business is always changing, you will benefit from forming a dedicated team now that will grow with you over the years and has the technical expertise to plan your business strategies for now and into the future. 

A:  Accelerate

If you get a website for your business or service without fully understanding the entire Internet marketing process, you will never be able to fully implement the last step, and accelerate your Internet marketing plans to success.  Knowing a little of this or a little of that is useless unless you know the process and where you are in it, and have a team of resources available to help you implement it.  Once you have done that, your business success from the Internet will start to fly. 

Marty Dickinson is an entrepreneur and the founder of HereNextYear, Inc., a full service Internet marketing company in business for 15 years.  He specializes in Internet marketing solutions for the small business owner, speakers and authors.  Visit to see what HereNextYear has to offer and to learn more about their innovative new website packages fully integrated for ease with social networking and other Internet marketing strategies.