How I Obtained Personal Happiness

I am now in a happy place, I have pride in where I am at in comparison to where I have been and I now live a contented life. Why? Well because I have managed to turn my life around. I am no longer such a needy, self-destructive character with a lack of self-esteem. I now live life with a smile on my face and am very much looking forward to the future. With the contents of this article I will be describing my journey to happiness and hope that it will prove to be an inspiration to other people out there.

Besides my nervous way of speaking (I had a speech impediment commonly referred to as stuttering), the following areas of confidence coaching were of interest to me:

I had, for whatever reason, a lack of belief at the workplace

I had a negative belief that I would fail in whichever task I attempted to do

I wanted to become far more assertive

I would often get dragged down by negative comments

I was paranoid (at least a subtle feeling) that people don’t like me

I used to walk around as if the world owed me something and would often feel
very sorry for myself

I wanted to be able to speak with authority and presence

I wanted to see fear and anxiety as a challenge and not as a prison cell

I wanted to learn to be self-assured and to be able to feel comfortable in any place, anytime

I wanted to be able to talk to anyone, at anytime and feel completely in control and natural

As you can see I wanted quite a lot! By reading literature about how to gain confidence, how to increase self-confidence and about how to become a success helped me, in some degree, with all of the above. I realised that I needed to be a lot more care-free, I needed to stop worrying about what other people thought of me and I needed to appreciate what I had in life. Only by doing this will I ever have any chance of becoming a success.

I am now a lot more confident and proficient in my business life which is in the composite doors sector and offering bargain holiday deals. It is a good place to be – happy at work and happy at home.