Reasons That Internet Marketers Should Blog

The need to start blogging is something that is starting to be realized as an important part of online success; even by people new to the business. Obviously, you already know what blogging is. You might already spend a lot of time online reading blogs. Time to add a blog to your business. It’s not as difficult as you may think. Plus not to mention the small monetary cost on your part. At this point in the evolution of the internet there is no easier solution to reaching people than by blogging. This is one of the few methods that has no bad side or risks involved. There are more reasons to blog. Your business needs a blog in today’s online environment. Ready to kick-start your blogging empire?.

Blogs can provide you with ways to build up your online income. As your blog grows in popularity, you will have people asking to sponsor posts on your site. It’s your decision to make how much you want to charge each sponsor for putting an ad on your blog posts. You might even use these spaces to advertise your own products.

Imagine if you could add a small sponsor ad onto two blog posts each week at $30 per ad. That could represent $240 a month extra income in your pocket. Imagine if you could offer sponsores the same ad space on your blog posts over 5 days a week. That could mean your blog is earning you an extra $150 every week, or $600 extra each month. The benefits from sponsored posts are only the start.

One f the easiest ways to monetize a list is by setting up a blog with interesting information and allowing the to access more by signing up to your paid newsletter. Your newsletter can be sold at a reasonable price. A low price of $1 – 2 per subscriber is enough to make you money. Okay, for example, you have decided to charge $1 per copy and mail out two issues a month. In the end, 150 people sign up to receive issues. That is $300 a month for just a little bit of extra work every couple of weeks. The beauty of small projects like these is that when you find one that can be scaled up, it can easily be grown into a six-figure business.

Blogging can help you to increase the number of links pointing to your products and sites. There are some marketers who prefer to have separate blogs for each product they promote, but you can also use one blog to advertise them all in the same place. Using sidebar or post footer and header space wisely can mean you’re able to link to multiple sales pages. This builds up the number of links you have to those pages, which makes them rank higher in the search engines. You’ll also be building your authority with such sites as technorati and alexa, which could both become important if you choose to sell your sites at a later date.

This barely scratches the blogging surface. Starting to understand the importance of blogging to an internet marketer? A marketer that doesn’t catch on to new ways of doing things will not be able to compete online; so take advantage of anything that can give you a competitive edge. Blogging can provide you with those things. Not to mention, the fun that comes along with the game. Hey, whoever said that you can’t have fun while making money? Blogging can provide you with that!

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