Pancakes And Butter

Dr Bob the wellness Draftsman

Bad Pancakes

These fundamental ?Dear Abby? has long been floating surrounding the internet and my first question was if it became a real story and if this really occurred. This can not be 100% verified rather it is probably true as there is known as a confirmed story i always will relate by the end of the letter.

Dear Abby

I recently blogged a batch of pancakes for my healthy 14-year-old son, with a mix which was a within our pantry. He explained they tasted “funny,” but ate them anyway. About 10 minutes later, he began having difficulty breathing and his lips began turning purple. I gave him his allergy pill, had him sit down on the sofa and told him to relax. He was wheezing while deep breathing. My husband, a volunteer firefighter and EMT training, heated up some water, when we had my son lean during the water meaning the big steam could clear his chest and sinuses.

Soon, his breathing became more regular and the lips returned to some more normal color. We checked the date around the box of pancake mix and, to my dismay, found it was very outdated.

After performing some research, I discovered an editorial the very next day that mentioned a 19-year-old male DYING after eating outdated pancake mix. Apparently, the mold that forms in old pancake mix may well be toxic! Once we told our friends about my son’s close call, my husband and i were surprised with the number of people who mentioned that these should check their very own pancake mix as they don’t use it often, or that they had purchased it a while ago.

We really hope your readers takes moment to check the expiration

date upon their boxes. Also, beware of outdated cake, brownie and cookie mixes.

DEAR SUE: I appreciate you for the warning. I certainly was not aware that pancake mix could turn moldy and cause an allergic reaction in someone having allergy to mold.

Another story:

Two pathologists practicing in Charleston, Shopping cart, reported a 19-year-old who also died under similar circumstances. A young man which includes a history of allergies (including mold), polished off two pancakes made out of a packaged mix that had sat open inside of a kitchen cabinet for 2 years. After eating, the young man experienced shortness of breath. He was taken to a clinic not faraway from home and became cyanotic. Once included in the clinic, he collapsed in cardiopulmonary arrest and died. The cause of his death was resolute to become anaphylaxis on account of an allergic reaction to molds.

There isn’t anything inherently toxic about pancake mix having passed its freshness date, the product’s getting old will not transform it right into a poison, nor does the growth of mold within opened boxes of flapjack powder turn it into something that will fell all who ingest it. Only those who have got allergies to mold are at risk.

For mold to realize usage of a food product, the foodstuff will have to be immersed in its spores. Pancake mix cocooned in an unbleached wax paper, plastic, or perhaps a foil pouch within its outer packaging wouldn’t have this contact and should still be safe regardless of how old it gets. However, mix sold unpouched in cardboard boxes or paper sacks would likely be at risk whether or not the box or sack hadn’t previously been opened, because such packaging will never necessarily keep dampness out, and mold thrives in damp environments.

Eat fresh. The closer it really is grown to your own home the higher.

Pass the ?Butter? Please!

Special report

Dr Bob the wellness Designer

I m not sure in the event the aspect of feeding turkeys is true but all other information regarding this post is factual. Indeed farmers will not feed trans fats acids to pigs as the trans fats acids will cause the pigs to die. Margarine is really a trans fats acid.

Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, folks who had put all the money into the research wanted their cost refund, to make sure they all got together to determine the next stage to make this happen. The product or service was a white substance with no food appeal so that they added the yellow coloring and retailed all of them people to use in place of butter. During recent times, manufacturers have developed clever new flavorings.

The solitary thing natural about margarine is the yellow coloring. The Federal Government passed a law (enacted by the butter people) the yellow coloring needed to be a natural substance, not really a toxic chemical.

Were you aware…what i mean between margarine and butter?

Both have the same degree of calories.

Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams compared to 5 grams.

Eating margarine can increase heart problem in women by 53% eating excessively precisely the same number of butter, in accordance with a recent Harvard Medical Study.

Eating butter increases the absorption of a number of nutrients in other foods.

Butter has lots of nutritional benefits where margarine consists of a few only because these are added!

Butter tastes significantly better than margarine and it can enhance the flavors of other foods.

Butter has been around for centuries where margarine has flurished for less than 100 years.

Margarine is…

Very high in trans fatty acids.

Triple likelihood of disease of the coronary artery.

Increases total cholesterol and LDL (here is the bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL cholesterol, (the beneficial cholesterol)

Increases the danger of cancers approximately five fold.

Lowers quality of breast milk.

Decreases immune response.

Decreases insulin response.

By far the most disturbing fact….

Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE from the being PLASTIC..

This fact alone was such that you can have me avoiding margarine forever and anything else that is hydrogenated (this suggests hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the substance).

Begin by this yourself:

Purchase a tub of margarine and abandon it in your garage or shaded area. Rapidly when compared with a handful of days you will note a number of things:

?It doesn?t rot or smell differently this is because does not have any nutrition value, it’s a dead substance no one thing will grow there. Why? As it is nearly plastic. Can you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast? Flies are not even attracted.

?Margarine/vegetable oil/shortening all have hexane employed in the manufacturing process.

Hydrogenated vegetable oil/margarine/shortening were found in the 1920?s. Corporations & investors designed a manage various doctors to declare the vegetable ?stuff? was healthier than butter with bad fats. Hence, medicine began research to verify that chicken & dairy was unhealthy.

The first reported case of Myocardial infarctions ? a heart attack – was recorded in 1921. By 1960 the contact information had risen to over 600,000 every year.

When the eating meat and dairy declined (remember in 1920 beef cows and dairy cows were ate up grass devoid of grains, and had no chemicals, antibiotics, steroids, or hormones. The grass didn’t have toxic fertilizers or herbicides and pesticides used there), hydrogenated vegetables accelerated, cancer and heart attacks increased and are also continuing at a fast pace.

Travel to,, and

Dr Bob the Health Draftsman
Robert D Bard, OD, FAAO
