Overqualified But Still Not Getting The Job

As a job seeker you might face the situation of being rejected for a job, even though you are overqualified and could easily perform the job well. This is quite a common situation and from the company’s point of view, they are wary of hiring someone who is overqualified because they might not be satisfied, could show arrogance and also leave the company within a short span of time. There is academic research on the subject does back this concern and shows that employees who percieve themselves as overqualified are likely to be less satisfied and have a higher turnover rate.

However, there are ways in which you can ease a company’s concerns and convince them that you are a good hire.

  1. Give them enough information/examples of how you have the relevant knowledge, skills and abilities to perform well on the job
  2. Show the right attitude and let them know that you are likely to be happy and productive, especially if you are given enough autonomy and made to feel valued/respected. There is support from research, which shows that many of the negatives of hiring an overqualified candidate can be overcome if this is done
  3. Provide evidence/information about how the company and its culture are good fit for your career goals, personality, interests and so on. This given them an indication that you might stay with them for some time
  4. Ask relevant questions to show your interest in the company and the job
  5. If you feel that they are concerned that you will expect more salary than they are prepared to offer, let them know that you expect a salary which is in-line with the scope of the job and the tasks you will need to perform

As a company, it might pay off to be open to the possibility of hiring an overqualified candidate. You might get a high performing employee, without a high price tag. If all goes well the employee could become an integral part of the comapany and eventually move on to bigger/better things within your firm.