Kinko’s Color Copies

In the midst of the fast-growing need for advertising and self-promotion, brightly colored brochures and flyers are essential for any small business or event.  Creating color copies for advertising, distribution, or promotion can, of course, be done at any local Kinko’s or other print shop.  For the best deal, however, consumers may be best off taking their business to the Internet and getting online color copies.  Thousands of businesses are now offering this distance-friendly service, and the competitive market of the worldwide web continues to drive prices downward.  While local copy shops often charge twenty-five to fifty cents for color copies, online color copies can be obtained for as little as a dime, and in some cases even a penny.  Quite a deal compared to walk-in copy shops!

In a digital world, online color copies offer not only savings, but also convenience; it takes only a click of a mouse to upload a file unto the website and color copies will arrive at your door as soon as 24 hours later.  Rather than having to print and transport an original of your piece, online color copies are available straight from the file and then sent to you, far cheaper than many local printers.  This shipping method is often as fast or even faster than placing large orders through a copy shop, as well as saving the buyer a trip to the store.  Online color copy sites often offer a variety of services, from business cards to flyers, and may even have graphic designers available to help you along with the details.  Fast, cheap, and convenient – why drive to the shop when you can get color copies online?

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