Juegos Trabajo Trabajar | Outsourcing – Choosing Your Virtual Assistant Clients – The Number 1 Mistake You Must Avoid!

juegos How important is it to choose your Virtual Assistant Clients carefully? I would say it is very important! If you have ever made the mistake of agreeing to work with a client that you just did not see eye to eye with, you may have already learned this lesson.

I know it’s easy to become a little desperate during tough times like these, or when you are just starting your business, but the biggest mistakes many Virtual Assistants make is taking on any client without first assessing whether they are appropriate. A disgruntled client who is very unhappy with your services can hurt your reputation…not to mention your morale.

trabajo As the owner of a multi-million-dollar company, I can tell you that doing everything isn’t an option. If I had to go in and fix some HTML at midnight, that’s different. If I’m the only one around and have to fix things, then fine… I do it. But I have a team of people working for me that take care of things like tech, customer support, getting traffic, and on and on. I don’t do any of that stuff because I just don’t have the time.

trabajar Tip #2) Know the culture and expectations the outsource support places on you. It is exciting to be able to tap into resources around the world. However with that global span comes responsibility. Be sure you know a little about the culture, work habits and expectations of outsource resources you consider. For example, if you are a driven, type ‘A’ person, be prepared for the process and product delivery from those in cultures where time management isn’t a priority.

It’s hard to know if the client is a good choice for you if you don’t have a clear definition of your ideal client and working situation. Chances are good that many potential clients have unclear or unrealistic expectations about working with a virtual assistant and may need your guidance here. If you are clear about what you do and how you work, there will be much less chance for misunderstandings and dissatisfaction down the road.

When deciding whether to work with a client, you need to interview them just as they will want to interview you. Remember, as a virtual assistant, you are not their employee but a business partner. You both need to be comfortable with the services you will provide and the manner in which you will deliver your services.

A great way to conduct a good interview with a potential client is to do an initial client assessment. An assessment will help you understand their business and what services they need.

You can also impress a potential client if you are confident and take charge of the initial consultation process. Many clients may not even know what questions to ask and can be quite relieved when you lead the process. You will also need to stay in charge of the client consultation process to ensure you obtain the necessary information in a timely fashion.

The client consultation process is not something you will want to just do without some planning in advance – particularly when you are just starting your virtual assistant business. Be sure you are prepared in advance and have some questions written down You can be published without charge. You can to republish this article in your website or blog. Please provide links Active.