How To Know When You Have A Drinking Problem That Can Cause Time, Stress, And Anger Management Issues

How do you recognize that you have a problem with your drinking? When is it apparent that you are involving yourself in irresponsible drinking?

If you have unproductively tried to discontinue your drinking or if you promised yourself that your drinking days are terminated and then you realized that you were drinking in an abusive way just a few days later, the odds are very good that you have drinking problems. The bottom line is that if you have tried to terminate your drinking and cannot get this accomplished, then your drinking is controlling you, instead of the other way around.

In much the same way, if it takes greater amounts of alcohol to get the same “high,” you probably need to recognize the fact that you have a drinking problem.

You may be telling yourself that the justification for your drinking is so that you can decrease your nervousness or get rid of the hurt or depression that you feel. Likewise, you may be trying to avoid a harmful situation and may be looking for something more beneficial, more favorable, or less regretful.

As you continue your drinking, nonetheless, you will realize that drinking does not produce the same high and you will also grasp the fact that drinking doesn’t help stamp out whatever led to your problem in the first place. You may also notice that the more heavily you drink, the more depressed you feel.

As you continue to drink in an abusive manner, unfortunately, you may become an alcoholic and, as a result, you may add another critical problem to manage rather than discovering more productive and healthy ways of dealing with your alcohol generated problems.

The Necessity for an Alcohol Appraisal

If you have decided that you have a drinking problem, perhaps the healthiest thing you can do for yourself is to call your physician or healthcare provider and arrange for an appointment for a thorough physical and for an evaluation of your drinking situation.

If you really feel that you have a critical drinking problem, it may be a good idea to get prepared to find out that you need to get alcohol rehab.

At this point in your life, what are your options? You can indisputably decide against seeing your doctor and persist with your pattern of out-of-control drinking.

It really doesn’t take a wiz kid, however, to comprehend that long-term, heavy drinking, if left untreated, will get worse over time and most likely lead to an early death. Therefore, your best alternative is to face your drinking situation and obtain the alcohol rehab you need.

The Charade of the Functioning Alcoholic

It is ironic to note the fact that many alcohol addicted individuals lead busy and active lives and have houses, pets, families, vehicles, jobs, and any number of material possessions just like individuals who are not alcohol dependent.

Many of these “functional” alcohol addicted individuals may have never been apprehended for a DUI and may have been fortunate enough to avoid all alcohol-related legal problems. In spite of this good fortune, however, these alcoholics need to drink in order to deal with life on a regular basis while maintaining their facade as they interact with people outside their family.

Ask anyone who has seen them when they are bingeing or in a drunken stupor or ask a family member about the problem drinker’s alcohol dependency, conversely, and they will be quick to articulate the legitimacy of the drinker’s situation and the facts about the alcohol dependent person’s drinking condition and about his or her alcohol generated difficulties.

Why Do Alcohol Addicted People Fail to Deal With Their Drinking Problems?

As alcohol dependency research and statistics on alcohol abuse have accentualted, no matter how apparent the alcohol generated problems seem to those who interact with the alcohol dependent individual, alcohol dependent people regularly deny that drinking is the cause of their alcohol induced issues. Not only this, but alcohol addicted individuals usually blame their alcohol-related predicaments on other people or upon other circumstances around them instead of seeing their part in the issue. In a similar way, alcohol dependent individuals typically exhibit stress, time, and anger management predicaments.

The source of the difficulty is that alcohol dependency is a disease of the brain. Once the problem drinker has become an alcoholic, he or she normally resorts to denial, manipulation, and lying as a way of coping with the fact that his or her drinking is out of control. And to make things more difficult, the experience of alcohol withdrawal symptoms typically counteracts the alcoholic’s rare attempts to suddenly abstain from drinking. As dismal as the alcoholic’s way of life is, nonetheless, the good news is that quality help is extensively available – if the alcohol addicted individual reaches out and gets alcoholism therapy.


Owning up to the fact that drinking is bringing about issues in your day to day functioning is conceivably the easiest way to determine if you have a problem with your drinking. Stated more precisely, if your drinking is triggering issues with your health, with your employment, in your relationships, with your finances, at school, or with the law, then you have a drinking problem that needs to be tackled.

If you have a drinking problem, what is more, this means that you are getting involved with alcohol abuse.

While some people may be able to pinpoint their “alcohol signs,” pinpoint their problems, and greatly decrease the amount and incidence of their drinking, other drinkers, to the contrary, need to manage their drinking difficulties by getting quality alcoholism rehabilitation. Furthermore, due to their tendency to deny the facts and twist the truth, alcohol dependent individuals without a doubt require proficient alcoholism rehabilitation for their irresponsible drinking.

And finally, if you feel more depressed the more you drink, it is likely that you will need to get counseling for your drinking problem and for your depression.