How Thermal Imaging Can Help You


Imagine buying a home and then discovering structural damages such as wood rot, leaking pipes or even an infestation of termites. How devastating that would be to find the home you bought was damaged and in need of major repairs. Before you buy a home it is always wise to have it properly inspected first. A professional building can spot any problems that may be missed by the untrained eye. With the help of thermal imaging technology they can also detect any problems that may be hidden behind walls such as termites or any structural damage caused by leaky pipes.

So what exactly is thermal imaging and how is it used in building and pest inspections Brisbane? Thermal imaging allows an inspector to see what’s going on behind the walls through the use of in-fared cameras which work like an x-ray machine. This wonderful invention can pick up problems behind the walls such as termites, leaky pipes or hidden structural damage.

Unless there are visible signs of damage, these things can be very hard to detect. It is much easier to see what is going on behind the walls through the use of thermal imaging. With this type of detection equipment now being used by building and pest inspection companies, it is now possible to find any pests or other problems before they get any worse.

The key to lowering the cost of repair bills is through early detection. By using a company that uses thermal imaging, you can rest easy knowing that any problems can be found before they get to the point of major repairs and cost you a fortune, making regular inspections a must. Having regular inspections carried out makes sense and will save you money.  If you weigh up the cost of repairs against the cost of inspection, then regular inspections are the only choice to make.

The worst damage that can happen is with termites. While they may be small, they are very greedy and can eat through large amounts of timber in a short space of a few months. This is why it is important to ensure that any home you buy has physical or chemical barriers against termites. Having the home inspected by a company that uses thermal imaging is a wise investment.

So if you are looking at buying a home, take the time to get it inspected properly by a building and pest inspection Brisbane company before you sign on the dotted line. It could end up saving you from buying a home that needs a lot of repairs.